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actuary - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of actuary in Hindi

  • मुंशी
  • बीमांकिक
  • जीवनांकक

actuary Definition

a person who compiles and analyzes statistics and uses them to calculate insurance risks and premiums.

actuary Example

  • As well as teaching at the University of Copenhagen, he was the chief actuary for an insurance company. ( कोपेनहेगन विश्वविद्यालय में अध्यापन के साथ-साथ, वह एक बीमा कंपनी के लिए मुख्य कार्यक्षेत्र थे। )
  • I am a pension actuary with 27 years' experience working with traditional defined-benefit pension plans. ( मैं पारंपरिक परिभाषित-लाभ पेंशन योजनाओं के साथ काम करने के 27 वर्षों के अनुभव के साथ एक पेंशन एक्ट्रेसेस हूं। )
  • Without his job as an insurance actuary the 66-year-old Schmidt has no identity. ( एक बीमा अधिनियम के रूप में उनकी नौकरी के बिना 66 वर्षीय श्मिट की कोई पहचान नहीं है। )
  • A responsible actuary and pension fund trustees would never have allowed this to happen. ( एक जिम्मेदार कार्यक्षेत्र और पेंशन फंड ट्रस्टियों ने ऐसा कभी नहीं होने दिया। )

More Sentence

  • The assured is then paid the surrender value of the policy, which is calculated by an actuary on the basis of the amounts paid to date.
  • He was an actuary in the Skandia Insurance Company from 1904 to 1907.
  • The last actuarial valuation on its pension fund was undertaken more than two years ago.
  • The cost of buying back ‘lost’ years is actuarially calculated, and can be very expensive if the employee retires earlier than agreed.
  • State regulators are adopting a new actuarial table that takes into account longer life spans.
  • To compute the costs of health and life insurance, actuaries take into account many factors known to predict disease and death.
  • But it's a rule of thumb that has been bandied about by actuaries and financial advisers for a long time and, if you do the sums, as a general idea, it works.
  • The actuarial side of the business was far too complicated for them because their experience lay mainly in general financial services.
  • It is predicted actuarially that fifty-eight percent of offenders scoring at this level will violently reoffend within 10 years.
  • Under some plans, if the faculty member retires before reaching sixty-five, the annual retirement benefit is actuarially reduced.
  • Life expectancy is a term used by actuaries , people who calculate statistics and probability for insurance use.
  • The increase is largely due to actuarial estimates of the scheme's future liabilities rising substantially.
  • Nicholson questioned insurance actuaries about their profession.
  • All pensions should be actuarially corrected.
  • No two actuaries would ever calculate the same transfer value, which is why you need someone to ensure you are not losing out.
  • We also provide modeling support to the actuaries working on customized insurance products for insurers or large corporations.
  • In determining the actuarial surplus in a pension fund, actuaries make key assumptions.
  • What do actuaries at life insurance companies have to tell us?
  • The result was that actuaries said pension funds had more money than they needed.
  • Each year a report is produced by the trustees of your pension scheme and every three years there is a valuation by actuaries , who analyse financial risk.
  • In a city teeming with bankers, actuaries , brokers and insurance men, the manner in which you invest your savings is a subject of endless fascination.
  • Hubbard believes in training managers to measure risk the way actuaries do.
  • With a retirement income fund, actuaries would calculate how much must stay in the fund to ensure the pensioner would never need to fall back on the state.
  • Should workers decide to take early retirement, it is assumed that their benefits will be reduced in an actuarially fair manner.
  • In determining the actuarial surplus in a pension fund, actuaries make key assumptions.
  • The company said that its actuaries calculate their subscription rates on the likely claims made in the year, and on the overall climate of litigation within that speciality.