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actually - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of actually in Hindi

  • वास्तव में
  • वस्तुत:
  • ठीक-ठीक
  • सचमुच
  • यथार्य में

actually Definition


  • as the truth or facts of a situation; really.
  • used to emphasize that something someone has said or done is surprising.

actually Example

  • “Tom seems to be happy.” “He isn't, actually, not any more.” ( "टॉम खुश लग रहा है।" "वह वास्तव में, अब और नहीं है।" )
  • he actually expected me to be pleased about it! ( उसने वास्तव में मुझसे इसके बारे में प्रसन्न होने की अपेक्षा की थी! )
  • Had anyone actually told her that or had she merely assumed it? ( क्या किसी ने वास्तव में उसे यह बताया था या उसने इसे केवल मान लिया था? )
  • Was he actually avoiding conversation with his father? ( क्या वह वास्तव में अपने पिता के साथ बातचीत से बच रहा था? )

More Sentence

  • Her eyes actually were filled with tears. 
  • So the party was actually for him, not both of them.
  • For a moment Dulce actually looked sympathetic.
  • He actually flat-out stated it.
  • Actually, it was how my family always celebrated Christmas.
  • We cannot watch her withering away under our very eyes; and that is what is actually happening.
  • First, that change in pressure actually changes the specific resistance of carbon.
  • Plates 45, 46 and 47 all show local habitat in situations where traps were actually operated.
  • But working-class and lower-class Britain were actually profiting from the war.
  • Telephones actually displaced telegraphic apparatus in the exchange method of working in America.
  • It is hard to write for the sake of daily bread; and yet I have actually come to this!
  • Mobilization was not actually "ordered," but all the multitudinous preliminaries for it were well under way.
  • She actually believed that she was grown unlovable, and the conviction that her voice was not worth considering haunted her morbidly.
  • Here one actually sees Seventy Men of War, and Materials for building a much greater Number.
  • If this principle is applied to a tea-pot which actually weighs but little, it may yet be very heavy to lift.
  • Perhaps there may be, on this hypothesis, as great certainty therein, as is actually found to exist.
  • The man who has actually paid for his farm with labor on it is so rare that every neighbor can point to him.
  • Tears actually moistened his cheeks.
  • They can actually talk!
  • I was actually afraid that I might by that time be doing what is called a good business.
  • How can it be said that trade actually generates wealth?
  • Actually, she'd rather get a room than stay in the house.
  • Somehow it actually felt good.
  • Making swords actually paid better or at least as well as making plowshares.
  • The tax rate is actually much higher.
  • It was the first time Carmen had seen Alondra actually laugh.
  • Was she actually enjoying the exchange?
  • Chad's next job will actually pay more than $10 an hour.
  • Was this surrogacy actually an attempt to get an heir?
  • we must pay attention to what young people are actually doing
  • he had a thick Brooklyn accent—he sounded like my grandfather actually