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activity - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of activity in Hindi

  • गतिविधि
  • कार्यकलाप
  • हलचल
  • कर्मठता
  • चपलता
  • चहलपहल
  • सक्रियता

activity Definition

  • the condition in which things are happening or being done.( वह स्थिति जिसमें चीजें हो रही हैं या की जा रही हैं। )
  • a thing that a person or group does or has done.( वह चीज़ जो कोई व्यक्ति या समूह करता है या करता है। )
  • the degree to which something displays its characteristic property or behavior.( वह डिग्री जिसके लिए कुछ अपनी विशिष्ट संपत्ति या व्यवहार प्रदर्शित करता है। )

activity Example

  • How do you foresee further developments in Italian business activity in Bulgaria?( आप बुल्गारिया में इतालवी व्यापार गतिविधि में आगे के विकास की उम्मीद कैसे करते हैं? )
  • The analysis concerns the seismic activity occurring during 1874-1913.(विश्लेषण 1874-1913 के दौरान होने वाली भूकंपीय गतिविधि की चिंता करता है।  )
  • The locality has been a hive of activity in recent weeks.( इलाके में हाल के हफ्तों में गतिविधि का एक छत्ता रहा है। )
  • the activity of the muscles( मांसपेशियों की गतिविधि )

More Sentence

  • A constant reappraisal and fine tuning of educational activity at all levels will give new generations the skills and confidence to work for a better future.
  • Pardew said that the level of US business activity in Bulgaria was still not where it should be.
  • Physical activity has marked effects on several functions of the human body that may influence cancer risk.
  • I am optimistic because there is already a brisk commercial activity under free market conditions.
  • Of more importance to marketers, however, is measuring the effectiveness of the promotional activity .
  • For several weeks the new centre has become a hive of activity as community volunteers put up the fixtures and fittings in time for the big move.
  • Physical activity is an equal partner in developing a healthy lifestyle.
  • After breakfast, the house is bustling with activity and movement.
  • Levels of activity in the economy will rise, employment will be boosted and tax receipts will boom.
  • there was a lot of activity
  • Lawmakers must clarify contract laws and develop new legislation that governs private business activity .
  • Buses radiate out from Valletta bus station, which is a hive of activity from early morning until about 8pm.
  • While hydrogen amounts were the same, the hydrogen ions were altered to present a much higher degree of activity .
  • the room was a hive of activity
  • physical activity
  • She has not been engaged in a business activity to exploit her sporting prowess or to turn her talent to account in money.
  • A study in chimpanzees showed lower levels of sexual activity when the females were given oral contraceptives.
  • All subjects were surveyed about their use of health promoting behaviors, including physical activity .
  • 16, they say, is too young for sexual activity
  • In regions where trout are indigenous, the sport of fly-fishing is big business as a sporting activity and a tourist attraction.
  • A range of activities should be made available so that school children have an opportunity to test themselves and find a sport or activity that they are good at.
  • This leads to a sharp decline in the level of economic activity , and the economy enters a period of stagnation.
  • Patients should be questioned about cycle patterns, contraception, and sexual activity .
  • Today we need to consciously work out to incorporate the same level of activity into our daily routine.
  • The specificity and catalytic activity of the enzyme depend on the particular amino acids lining the active site.
  • These authors reported significantly lower activity of the oxidative enzymes in COPD patients.