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acrobatics - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of acrobatics in Hindi

  • नट की कला
  • कलाबाजी

acrobatics Definition

gymnastic feats. ( जिम्नास्टिक के करतब। )

acrobatics Example

  • So, to cut a long story short, we spent most of the day in that Sport Hall, most of it spent petrifying me by making me do all sorts of crazy acrobatics . ( इसलिए, एक लंबी कहानी को छोटा करने के लिए, हमने उस स्पोर्ट हॉल में दिन का अधिकांश समय बिताया, इसमें से अधिकांश ने मुझे हर तरह की पागल कलाबाज़ी करने के लिए पेट्राइज़िंग में बिताया। )
  • The game takes place on a 5 meter cushioned area suitable for martial arts and acrobatics training. ( खेल मार्शल आर्ट और कलाबाजी प्रशिक्षण के लिए उपयुक्त 5 मीटर कुशन वाले क्षेत्र में होता है। )
  • At intervals throughout the show are astounding displays of gymnastics and acrobatics by talented women artistes. ( पूरे शो के अंतराल पर प्रतिभाशाली महिला कलाकारों द्वारा जिम्नास्टिक और कलाबाजी के शानदार प्रदर्शन किए जाते हैं। )

More Sentence

  • For the super-keen there will even be the chance of extra training to master aerial acrobatics .
  • The ropes are stretched tight around the corner posts, to allow for acrobatics from the actual ropes.
  • It will be the kind of aerial skills, acrobatics , juggling and mask work most of us don't see outside of the Edinburgh Festival.
  • Instead of sitting in lessons the fitness fanatics spent the week dancing, playing golf, doing kung fu, enjoying acrobatics and much more.
  • To further bring joy to the occasion, some guests show off their skills at juggling and acrobatics .
  • Instead of sitting in lessons the whole school has been playing a host of games including football, rugby, acrobatics and kung fu.
  • The twins specialised in sports acrobatics , which differs from gymnastics in that there are no props used.
  • These days, Bianka concentrates on artistic gymnastics and acrobatics choreography.
  • Early in the morning he rose and began his daily exercises, acrobatics , and swordplay.
  • The SkyHawks are known for their daring displays of aerial acrobatics .
  • Today's cheerleading is a unique mix of gymnastics, strength, acrobatics and dance.
  • The usual acrobatics , tricks and skill demonstrations are there.
  • My stomach did an amazing feat of acrobatics and my knees buckled under me.
  • goes through all sorts of financial acrobatics to make the monthly payments
  • Capoeira, for those not in the know, is a Brazilian martial art form that blends acrobatics and dance with pounding African rhythms.
  • Fleet entertained him while he ate with stories of aerial acrobatics and daring airship battles.
  • Students majoring in martial arts roles go through a strict training, involving acrobatics and eurythmics.
  • On Easter Monday, also at the hall, they will be teaching circus skills from juggling to acrobatics .