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acrimony - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of acrimony in Hindi

  • रूखापन
  • कटुता
  • तीक्ष्णता
  • तीखापन
  • उग्रता
  • चिड़चिड़ापन

acrimony Definition

bitterness or ill feeling. ( कड़वाहट या बीमार भावना। )

acrimony Example

  • The resulting acrimony helped ensure that it would take a while to forge working alliances on the new council. ( परिणामी तीक्ष्णता ने यह सुनिश्चित करने में मदद की कि नई परिषद में काम करने वाले गठबंधनों में कुछ समय लगेगा। )
  • a quagmire of lawsuits, acrimony, and finger-pointing ( मुकदमों, तीखेपन, और उंगली की ओर इशारा करते हुए )
  • the AGM dissolved into acrimony ( एजीएम तीखेपन में भंग हो गया )

More Sentence

  • There was no acrimony , and no ill-will towards the national organisation.
  • And then inevitably something would go wrong, and it would end in acrimony and sometimes in lawsuits.
  • Money can't buy you love, sang the Beatles but what's clear is it can certainly create a lot of acrimony where love once existed.
  • The whole area was poisoned by anger and acrimony .
  • The band split up earlier this year amid bitterness and acrimony .
  • But what should have been one of the publishing events of this year has now descended into astonishing depths of bitterness and acrimony .
  • Large disparities in the contributions member nations were expected to make to the EU budget caused no small amount of acrimony .
  • I really believe that it is better for couples to separate as amicably as possible and give their children a chance to grow up without daily misery and acrimony .
  • Long-term damage can be caused to children exposed to acrimony and bitterness in family breakdown.
  • The whole partnership then dissolved into acrimony and mistrust and legal wrangling.
  • Despite some brief acrimony , a year later nothing much had changed.
  • The relationship has dissolved in acrimony as accusations are levelled by both sides.
  • For this relationship is, in practice, fraught with mutual antagonism and conducted through mutual acrimony .
  • It's only recently and as a result of all the bitter acrimony that he realised that they can't sort it out.
  • And yet we've had so much acrimony over the past few years that the public has risen up against it.
  • Whatever the outcome of this particular dispute, though, these homes have to be built somewhere and the less acrimony with which it can be done the better.
  • In the past, especially during election time, the issue of money has raised unnecessary tension and acrimony .
  • It was a match dripping in acrimony , disappointment and what might have been.
  • Isn't it unsurprising how settling a lawsuit does nothing to settle the underlying acrimony that motivated it?