acid test - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of acid test in Hindi
- अम्ल परिक्षण
- कसौटी
- अग्नि-परीक्षा
- कड़ी परीक्षा
- अम्ल-परीक्षण
- तेज़ाब-परीक्षण
acid test Definition
a conclusive test of the success or value of something. ( किसी चीज की सफलता या मूल्य का निर्णायक परीक्षण। )
acid test Example
- The acid test , as ever, is whether I'd go back, and on that key criterion the restaurant continues to impress. ( एसिड टेस्ट, जैसा कि कभी होता है, क्या मैं वापस जाऊंगा और उस महत्वपूर्ण मानदंड पर रेस्तरां को प्रभावित करना जारी है। )
- Reform of the banking sector becomes an acid test of this government's determination to change public perception of its competence and its commitment to competition. ( बैंकिंग क्षेत्र का सुधार अपनी क्षमता और प्रतिस्पर्धा के प्रति अपनी प्रतिबद्धता के प्रति जनता की धारणा को बदलने के सरकार के दृढ़ संकल्प का एक अम्ल परीक्षण बन जाता है। )
- When you apply the acid test of value for money, hardly any make the grade. ( जब आप पैसे के लिए मूल्य का एसिड परीक्षण लागू करते हैं, तो शायद ही कोई ग्रेड बनाता है। )
More Sentence
- And that, according to any number of people here, is the acid test of the world's new-found determination to stamp out doping.
- The acid test of his adventurous spirit will be in the home match against Denmark in August, the first in which he will play his ‘best team’.
- The acid test for the party will be how well they contribute to running the country after next year's election.
- The one acid test he applies before participating in any social event is whether such participation will benefit his company or the society at large.
- The acid test will come for him when a match needs to be won and risks have to be taken.
- For all its rich song-soaked legacy, the Malayalam film industry has never put the dancing skills of its heroes to an acid test .
- It can be used as an acid test of whether a person has interest in knowing or may be blinded by ideological convictions.
- The acid test was piloting the new hairstyle back to London, where the nicest adjective it has received so far is ‘unusual’.
- The acid test , of course is to look at your own circumstances.
- Gilligan always knew this year would be the acid test .
- Exposed as it is to the acid test of consumerism, subjected as it is to the excesses of materialism, the citadel of culture seems to be crumbling fast.
- ‘This is the acid test of his objectivity as a minister,’ argues Kennedy.
- Last night, I decided to subject the car to the acid test - my friend Stephen.
- After five years of devolution surely the acid test is to ask in what ways is life in Scotland different now from what it would have been had we not had our own parliament?
- gritstone is the acid test of a climber's ability
- the pact with the rebels is an acid test of the government's sincerity
- But I guess this is the acid test for whether or not you're shy.
- The acid test of social democracy is unemployment, because if you are out of work you are far more likely to be poor and marginalised.
- The acid test for the new one-way system, however, will be peak hours of Monday when roads will take the full might of vehicles after an easy weekend.