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abyss - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of abyss in Hindi

  • रसातल
  • अतल खाई
  • वितल
  • पाताल
  • अगाध गर्त

abyss Definition

a deep or seemingly bottomless chasm. ( एक गहरी या प्रतीत होता है अथाह चैस। )

abyss Example

  • These conditions create the possibility for a new political force to arise quickly and fill the abyss between the ruling regime and popular aspirations. ( ये स्थितियाँ एक नई राजनीतिक शक्ति के शीघ्र उभरने और सत्तारूढ़ शासन और लोकप्रिय आकांक्षाओं के बीच रसातल को भरने की संभावना पैदा करती हैं। )
  • His attempts to conceal these secrets push him deeper into the very abyss . ( इन रहस्यों को छुपाने के उनके प्रयासों ने उन्हें बहुत रसातल में धकेल दिया। )

More Sentence

  • The abyss : Dante's hell is formed in the shape of an inverted cone whose point is at the center of the earth, which is the furthest place from God who is in the heavens.
  • There are 170 miles and an abyss of sectarianism separating Glasgow and Inverness.
  • And it felt as if leukaemia was nudging me towards the edge of the abyss .
  • A rare sight in the streets of Monrovia, Liberians know only too well they've miraculously been pulled back from the edge of the abyss .
  • An abyss separates those who have served and sacrificed their blood for our freedom and those of us who have reaped the benefit.
  • teetering on the edge of the abyss of a total political wipeout
  • It sets these individuals on a separate plane, creating an unnatural abyss between the organizer and the people for whom one works.
  • Staring into the seemingly deep and empty abyss some imagine enormous sharks or the legendary giant squid.
  • These valuations have opened an abyss between person and person over which an Achilles of free thought could not leap, shutter how he may.
  • The companions walked in a huddled group as each of them kept looking over their shoulders and deep into the dark abyss , unable to close their eyes even for a second.
  • The trees outside camp appeared as dark pillars gating a primeval hell, where behind lay only an abyss , hiding the forms of carrion crying from its depths to break the stillness.
  • There is an abyss between such rhetoric and the world we actually live in, an abyss called power.
  • It has brought us again to the edge of the abyss - the possibility of a return of stagflation.
  • That his songwriting, as quirky and original as it is here, is increasingly reliant on cliches is just one more clue that he man's about three steps beyond the edge of the abyss .
  • Like Ignatieff, McEwan explores the abyss between middle-class lives shrouded in material comfort and the demands of sudden human suffering.
  • He figured that the deep abyss he was falling into must have a bottom.
  • It was a lonely walk, deep into an abyss that beckoned like a black hole, a fallen star.
  • The presence of gold and silver in your portfolio will insure that you will emerge from the abyss with your capital intact.
  • But as soon as he did so, the world turned and he was swimming downwards, down, down into the deep, dark abyss .
  • There is, at first glance, an abyss between saying that one has had an experience of God and trusting that one can experience God in one's life.
  • The cultural abyss had grown too wide to be crossed using traditional methods.
  • There remains an abyss between man and God, but this abyss inspires wonder and praise.
  • If you continue this balancing at the edge of the abyss long enough you become very very adept: no matter which way you are pushed you always right yourself.
  • Admittedly, there is a huge abyss between thought and words.
  • ‘We're on the edge of the abyss ,’ said Dr Strabismus of the Council of Europe.
  • This manuscript was conceived while I sat on a ledge overlooking the abyss of hell.
  • All this in the face of a decline in both profits and prestige in investment banking - one thinks of F. Scott Fitzgerald and his cronies dancing on the edge of the abyss .
  • Suddenly I felt like I was at the edge of the abyss again, with nothing preventing me from falling and falling.