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abysmally - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of abysmally in Hindi

  • काफी
  • अगाध रूप से
  • घोर रूप से

abysmally Definition

very badly ( बुरी तरह से )

abysmally Example

  • But it's not just the German media that's acted abysmally . ( लेकिन यह सिर्फ जर्मन मीडिया नहीं है जिसने घृणित कार्य किया है। )
  • His words were not ‘taken out of context’, they were entirely irrelevant to the context, and abysmally stupid to boot. ( उनके शब्दों को 'संदर्भ से बाहर नहीं निकाला गया था', वे संदर्भ के लिए पूरी तरह से अप्रासंगिक थे, और अचानक बूट करने के लिए बेवकूफ थे। )

More Sentence

  • He has failed abysmally and another Minister would be considering their position instead of rubbing salt in the wounds of a man who wanted nothing in life but to live in peace and quiet in his own home.
  • Where Scotland have failed abysmally is in errors made and no team with that statistic round their necks can hope to win anything.
  • The design of everything from lighting to street furniture is abysmally transitory, modern gimmicks that look nerdy and tired the moment they're erected.
  • We have an abysmally low savings rate in this nation.
  • The focus at this stage will also be on ensuring that voters actually exercise their franchise to avoid a repeat of the abysmally low turnout in the Nice Treaty referendum.