absolve - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of absolve in Hindi
- दोषमुक्त करना
- विमुक्त करना
- मुक्ति पा जाना
absolve Definition
set or declare (someone) free from blame, guilt, or responsibility. ( दोष, या जिम्मेदारी से मुक्त (किसी को) घोषित या घोषित करना। )
absolve Example
- I've recently learned that I will soon be leaving this world, so I must absolve my sins in the short time I have remaining in order to gain my acceptance into Heaven. ( मुझे हाल ही में पता चला है कि मैं जल्द ही इस दुनिया को छोड़ दूंगा, इसलिए मुझे स्वर्ग में अपनी स्वीकृति प्राप्त करने के लिए मेरे पास कम समय में अपने पापों को छोड़ देना चाहिए। )
- Instead he sent a message of support paying tribute to those who took part in the dispute and added: ‘I was proud to be part of it and I know that history will absolve us.’ ( इसके बजाय उन्होंने विवाद में हिस्सा लेने वालों को श्रद्धांजलि देते हुए समर्थन का संदेश भेजा और कहा: was मुझे इसका हिस्सा होने पर गर्व था और मुझे पता है कि इतिहास हमें अनुपस्थित कर देगा। ' )
More Example
- Maybe it will absolve you from legal liability in an American court of law, but the moral responsibility remains because you are unsure if your users are lying about their ages.
- On Good Friday, continental Europeans commemorate that Christ was crucified and died to absolve our sins and give us eternal salvation.
- she asked the bishop to absolve her sins
- Zoë, as loving in her death as she was in her life, tried to absolve her family from guilt.
- Ignorance does not absolve you from the rule of law you know.
- What lay chaplains cannot do is say Mass, anoint the sick, and absolve sin after confession.
- Readying ourselves for conventional war does not, however, absolve us from undertaking a major transformation in the way we think about, and conceive of, the use of military force.
- At the same time, the right to free speech does not absolve us from our duty to behave responsibly.
- Rather than having a genuine buy-in to reducing the number of bags used and making sure that they don't get into the environment, a plastic bag levy absolves people of responsibility.
- There, he says, the cost of calling you or attaching a note to the bottle was low, hence the supplier's failure to secure your consent absolves you of all obligation to pay.
- But on the other hand it has the sacrament of confession, whereby if you do sin you can be absolved and start afresh.
- And therefore I was absolved from having to get up at a ridiculous time and then pay ten pounds for breakfast given that I'd already taken part in the ritual.
- Your sins are absolved , my son - no more apologies necessary.
- His neatly circumscribed theory can, he believes, organize human experience and explain human nature; it also absolves him of responsibility.
- The candidate takes the failure on himself and, in that way, absolves his followers of responsibility for the defeat and allows them to go on their way with a feeling of closure.
- He absolves us of responsibility for our fitness.
- In the Roman Catholic Church, it is the sacrament that absolves the sins of an individual through confession.
- If he did, a public penance would be imposed and his sin would be absolved .
- You can get your sins absolved while eating a burger.
- It would doubtless be of great comfort to us both if there were some form that we could sign absolving doctors of any blame, so that a professional person could administer a quick injection when the time came.
- Many of our sins are absolved through priests in confessional boxes.
- In the Catholic tradition, absolution from sin is obtained through confession, in which the penitent confesses to a priest who then absolves the sin and administers penitence.
- The first sequence spoke to me of how merciful God is for absolving my transgressions.
- Juliet tells Nurse to tell her mother that she is going to Friar Laurence's cell to confess her sins and be absolved .
- It comes from the Roman Catholic practice of confessing one's sins and being absolved of them, or ‘shriven’.
- The priest does come, and absolves the ghost's sins, after which it can rest.
- The film absolves us of any obligation to remember the disasters that followed.
- The fact that it's wildlife absolves us of the moral question that hangs in the air when we see footage of humans in mortal danger - why didn't the camera crew do something to help?