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absence - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of absence in Hindi

  • अनुपस्थिति
  • अभाव
  • कमी
  • गैरहाजिरी

absence Definition

  • the state of being away from a place or person. (किसी स्थान या व्यक्ति से दूर होने की अवस्था।)
  • a time when somebody is away from somewhere; the fact of being away from somewhere. (किसी स्थान पर अनुपस्थित रहने का समय; किसी स्थान से दूर रहने की बात)

absence Example

  • he was conspicuous by his absence - (उसकी अनुपस्थिति से वह विशिष्ट था)
  • the absence of humour doesn't help. (हास्य की अनुपस्थिति मदद नहीं करती है)
  • she's back after a year-long absence from school. (स्कूल से एक साल की अनुपस्थिति के बाद वह वापस आ गई है)

More Example

  • she found his total absence of facial expression disconcerting
  • Why is it that we can only appreciate what we have when we experience its absence ?
  • Almost half were with their parents, who made some excuses for their absence .
  • However, in her absence , I'll just have to make do with thinking about it myself.
  • Some more of the team had arrived during our absence , and looked at the pictures of the party.
  • Whether this was discussed or not in his absence , was unclear till late in the evening.
  • On Wednesday night, there was a clear demonstration of the effect that absence has on colleagues.
  • in the absence of evidence
  • He explained his absence by telling all concerned he was going into hospital for three weeks for an operation.
  • He explains his absence from school by saying he is on a part-time timetable.
  • Yet in a play that explores spiritual emptiness, the sense of absence is strangely appropriate.
  • Downsizing produced an increased risk of sickness absence , in line with earlier findings.
  • the letter had arrived during his absence
  • Some of them had not been seen for months, if not years, and one in ten staff was unavailable because of absence .
  • She had been in New York for the past few weeks and knew little of the scheming that was going on in her absence .
  • He later admitted in a press conference yesterday that his absence was intentional.
  • He has undoubtedly made up for that absence and has drawn warm praise from his manager and admiration from the fans.
  • I supervised the rehearsal in the absence of the director
  • you'll be in charge in my absence
  • So as the programme drew to a close his absence was felt more than ever before.
  • That night she climbed into bed just as conscious of Will's absence now as she had been the night after he died.
  • Since then, the earl had seen people dying in the great plague, the clergy conspicuous by its absence .
  • It was only when undertakers called at the hospital to collect the baby that his absence was discovered.
  • The jury was sent home until Monday after being told legal submissions will be made in their absence today.
  • It alerts the employee's manager and supplies statistics about absence to the council.
  • she noted the absence of any reference to the case
  • In my father's absence he likes to visit my mother, most of the time for no reason.