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abreast - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of abreast in Hindi

  • बराबर में
  • बराबर-बराबर
  • कदम से कदम मिलाए हुए
  • पास-पास
  • पार्श्वापार्शिव

abreast Definition

  • side by side and facing the same way. (अगल-बगल और उसी तरह सामने।)
  • alongside or even with something. (साथ में या किसी चीज के साथ।)
  • next to or level with somebody / something and going in the same direction (एक ही दिशा में जाने वाले लोगों या वस्तुओं के अगल बगल या ठीक आगे पीछे)

abreast Example

  • The couple were both quite fat and were walking abreast and consequently blocked the whole path. (दंपति दोनों काफी मोटे थे और अचानक चल रहे थे और परिणामस्वरूप पूरे रास्ते को अवरुद्ध कर दिया।)
  • Do they really think that by riding nine abreast , they are indestructible? (क्या वे वास्तव में सोचते हैं कि नौ बार सवारी करने से, वे अविनाशी हैं?)

More Sentence

  • they were riding three abreast.
  • We were walking three abreast down the sidewalk, with that peculiar city gait that belongs only to the evening - slow enough to be casual, but brisk enough to be purposeful.
  • The secret passage was wide enough for three or four men to walk abreast .
  • Mr Gonsell spends half an hour a day reading the New York Times and Washington Post to keep abreast with international news.
  • We set out along a series of paths just wide enough for two horses to walk abreast .
  • Conveying a fluid sense of motion, simple outlines portray two lions walking abreast .
  • the cart came abreast of the Americans in their rickshaw
  • Elderly people seemed to dominate the pavements as they walked six abreast , oblivious of the office workers and commuters ‘tutting’ as they had to walk into the road to get round them.
  • Ahead in the light of the rising sun, they walked four abreast : well dressed, totally in black, wearing expressions of serious missions.
  • There are the people who walk three abreast and really slowly forcing you to lower your pace until you spot a chance to get around them.
  • You can see them walking three abreast and you have to walk into the road to get past.
  • So when two cyclists - one of my other pet peeves - cut him off by riding two abreast , I kindly offered to open the passenger door and clean them up for him.
  • The interior is so cramped that two people cannot walk abreast .
  • Everyone is entitled to walk the streets of the town - but not to take them over and walk four and five abreast .
  • Cyclists may feel a little more inclined to use the towpath if pedestrians did not walk four abreast and refuse to give way until the last minute and dog walkers kept their dogs on a short lead and cleaned up after their dogs.
  • the path was wide enough for two people to walk abreast
  • It is virtually impossible to walk two abreast along the pavement and for wheelchairs and pushchairs it is a complete nightmare.
  • keeping abreast of developments
  • A tiny arched drawbridge spanned the channel, wide enough for two people to walk abreast .
  • Before them stretched a long corridor, allowing only three people to walk abreast .
  • It has a sizable business section with two writers sharing the job of keeping readers abreast the news.
  • Over the Marriage Bridge the Honeymoon Path is broad, allowing a couple to walk abreast - until they reach an obstruction that represents the first difference of opinion.
  • They often, too, ride two abreast , causing car drivers to swerve to the other side of the road to pass them.
  • They are walking eight abreast , so that they take up all of the narrow pavement and spill out for several yards into the road.
  • However, experts said the targets were ‘well short’ of what will be needed to keep abreast of growing demand.
  • Doctors do this kind of thing in order to keep abreast of developments in medicine and to keep our colleagues informed.
  • As those of us who have kept abreast of current events know, this is a profoundly important election.
  • To guide the students onto the right path, teachers need to keep themselves abreast of the emerging global trends.