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abrasion - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of abrasion in Hindi

  • घर्षण
  • अपघर्षण
  • खरोंच
  • रगड़न

abrasion Definition

  • a damaged area of the skin where it where it has been rubbed against something and rough. (त्वचा का एक क्षतिग्रस्त क्षेत्र जहां यह जहां इसे किसी चीज और खुरदरेपन के खिलाफ रगड़ दिया गया है।)
  • damage to a surface caused by rubbing something very hard against it. (किसी सतह को नुकसान पहुंचाने के कारण उसके खिलाफ बहुत कठोर चीज का नुकसान।)

abrasion Example

  • High disarticulation, fragmentation, and abrasion indicate high environmental energy and turbulence and significant lateral transport. (उच्च विघटन, विखंडन, और घर्षण उच्च पर्यावरणीय ऊर्जा और अशांति और महत्वपूर्ण पार्श्व परिवहन का संकेत देते हैं।)
  • The lifeline is a long, heavy, braided rope that is resistant to abrasion , sunlight, and moisture. (जीवन रेखा एक लंबी, भारी, लटकी रस्सी है जो घर्षण, धूप और नमी के लिए प्रतिरोधी है।)

More Sentence

  • the metal is resistant to abrasion
  • This suggests derivation from a sedimentary precursor in which zircons would reflect recycling and abrasion during sedimentary processes.
  • Some individuals may even develop welts just from local exposure to cold or mechanical abrasion .
  • Mangrove forests function to protect coasts from storms, erosion and abrasion , as well as providing habitat for various animals especially fish and bird species.
  • This special elastomer is available in various properties of hardness and toughness and is resistant to abrasion .
  • They are resistant to abrasion and grease, and have good hardness.
  • Pain may also occur when dentine is exposed by trauma, erosion, or abrasion ; this subsides within seconds of removing the stimulus and may be poorly localised, often only to within two or three teeth of the affected tooth.
  • The intraarticular implant fragments may lead to gradual chondral injury secondary to abrasion of the articular surfaces.
  • Seliger's labor-intensive techniques of accretion and abrasion often mimic geologic processes.
  • If the abrasive medium remains intact, the process is described as low stress abrasion .
  • Thermoplastic tips have generally shown good resistance to abrasion and corrosion, but may vary in wear life depending on the specific material used to mold the tips.
  • The ability to coat surfaces - making them stronger, lighter and more resistant to corrosion or abrasion - has many applications.
  • Geological evidence for precipitation, erosion, mechanical abrasion and other fluvial activity says that the physical processes shaping Titan are much the same as those shaping Earth.
  • This requires a precise process: too much abrasion will weaken the joints and cause premature device failure.
  • The signs at the left, top, and right can still be read, but the row along the bottom of the panel is irretrievable due to severe abrasion and loss.
  • The media are long wearing and highly resistant to abrasion .
  • When made into a fiber they demonstrate low moisture absorption and good resistance to abrasion .
  • Roundness is increased by abrasion and chemical weathering processes, which blunt particle edges, and decreased by fracturing, which creates new, unworn edges.
  • Hardfacing applies a coating for the purpose of reducing wear or loss of material by abrasion , impact, erosion, oxidation, cavitations, etc.
  • Superficial cuts, scratches, abrasions , minor burns, stings and bites will heal with the same treatment.
  • Stephen said the medical report showed no abrasions , lacerations, tears or discharge.
  • The woman suffered extensive blunt force bruising and abrasions to her head, face, chest, arms and legs.
  • He had a basal skull fracture, lacerations to his scalp, facial abrasions and contusions to both frontal cerebral lobes.
  • Doyle said there were small superficial abrasions and bruises on the body which were caused by the fall or the rocks.
  • Or you can mix 25 drops into 100 ml of hot water and gently apply to cuts, abrasions , sores and ulcers.
  • He was taken to Bonalbo Hospital with numerous cuts and abrasions .
  • He suffered swelling and abrasions to his head in the latest attack as he walked home from Rhodesway School in Allerton, Bradford.
  • It is also important to avoid applying bleach or other chemicals to a scalp that has open sores, abrasions or any type of breakouts.