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ablution - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of ablution in Hindi

  • मज्जन
  • प्रक्षालन (धार्मिक कार्य में शरीर, हाथ या पवित्र पात्रों का)
  • धावन
  • परिमार्जन
  • स्नान
  • अभिषेक
  • नहाना-धोना
  • धोना

ablution Definition

the act of washing yourself clean (अपने आप को साफ करने का कार्य)

ablution Example

  • During the lunch break I went to the bathroom to perform an ablution for the Zuhar prayers but in the Western style bathroom it was not a very feasible idea. (लंच ब्रेक के दौरान मैं ज़ुहर की नमाज़ अदा करने के लिए बाथरूम गया लेकिन पश्चिमी शैली के बाथरूम में यह बहुत संभव नहीं था।)
  • We are ordered to make ablution before prayer, and also to make sure that our places of prayer are free of contamination and filth. (हमें प्रार्थना से पहले संयम बनाने का आदेश दिया जाता है, और यह भी सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कि हमारी प्रार्थना के स्थान संदूषण और गंदगी से मुक्त हों।)

More Sentences

  • Most religions practice ritual ablution , or bathing - though only Hinduism by the millions at once.
  • She would have been down there taking a ceremonial ablution and praying to the river god Hapi, who was also the god of fertility.
  • Interestingly enough, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also encouraged doing ablution before going to bed.
  • David wandered into the bathroom to perform his morning ablutions and all I heard was ‘Oh my God'. I went dashing in and saw what his oh my godding was about.
  • The daily routine started early in the morning with ablutions followed by a meagre breakfast at eight o'clock then back in the cell until they were served a plateful of dinner at about four o'clock.
  • Moreover, the several marble basins that were found in the building, and that might have formed part of its furnishings in the last phase and perhaps even in previous phases, could have held water for ritual ablutions .
  • He may practice Divine knowledge, meditation, pilgrimages, and ablutions .
  • Taylor sighed, running a hand through her hair before she slipped into some pyjamas and jumped straight into bed, too worn and puzzled and happy and upset to bother with her ablutions .
  • This invention concerns water outlets such as shower heads and water spouts for ablutionary devices or appliances.
  • Most of us give little thought to what we're washing down the drain and flushing down the toilet as we go about our daily ablutions .
  • The tombs stand on the same platform as a white mosque and virtually in its forecourt, separated from it only by the obligatory ablutionary pond reflecting both the tombs and the mosque.
  • He had emerged from his fairly elaborate morning ablutions looking ashen-faced.
  • On the wedding morning, various ablutionary rituals are performed on both the bride and the groom in their own homes.
  • He applied sandal paste on his forehead and wore the sacred thread across his body and was rigorous in the ablutions before prayers.
  • At the top of the building, the glass roof of the children's shower can be opened at the touch of a switch for open-air ablutions or access to a rooftop terrace.
  • The door to my room had in fact been shifted a yard forward to give me exclusive use of this less than desirable ablutionary facility.
  • When I was done she wrapped my shoulders in a towel, and then performed her own quick ablutions as Alice and I finished drying ourselves.
  • Dominic whistled cheerfully as he strode along his worn path to the stream where he performed his daily ablutions .
  • Our daily lives are being planned around when we can perform our ablutions and eat; an army-style shower is now becoming our treat du jour.
  • Prayers are to be made in the direction of Mecca and must be carried out in a state of ritual purity, achieved by either ritual ablutions or a bath.
  • At lunchtime, bearded students perform their ablutions along a long row of taps before going off to pray.
  • While Abas was putting on his shirt after performing the ablutions for the afternoon prayer, he was surprised to see a new prayer mat spread neatly on his bed.
  • So you need not panic if you ingest a little during your morning ablutions .
  • On the wires overhead a cheerful community of young swallows were chattering and performing their evening ablutions , stretching one wing out at a time, as far as it would reach, and preening the feathers.
  • As far as I'm concerned, if a spider is in the bath you must remain absolutely silent when going about your ablutions otherwise it will launch itself into the air and latch onto your head.
  • Hassane and most of the competitors sheepishly made their way over to El Hadji's open-air mosque to perform their ablutions and prayers.
  • For your 500 Euros a night you get, in addition to an extremely cold and uncomfortable bed (albeit with furs), a room in a nearby proper hotel for ablutions .
  • When he works in Hampshire, he has to get out of bed at 0530, perform the necessary ablutions , down a coffee and leave the house at 0600.