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abbot - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of abbot in Hindi

  • मठाधीश
  • महंत
  • (ईसाई) मठाधीश
  • मठगुरु
  • मठाधिप

abbot Definition

A man who is the head of a religious community for monks. (एक व्यक्ति जो भिक्षुओं के लिए एक धार्मिक समुदाय का प्रमुख है।)

abbot Example

  • A diocesan bishop does not take on the role of father to fellow priests as an abbot does to monks. (एक सूबा बिशप पिता की भूमिका पर नहीं ले जाता है क्योंकि पुजारी एक भिक्षु के रूप में भिक्षुओं को करते हैं।)
  • At the time of the abbot 's death, monks, students and residents prayed constantly for one month. (मठाधीश की मृत्यु के समय, भिक्षुओं, छात्रों और निवासियों ने एक महीने तक लगातार प्रार्थना की।)
  • The abbot conducts discussions and a questioning session with lower ranking monks. (मठाधीश कम रैंकिंग वाले भिक्षुओं के साथ चर्चा और एक प्रश्न सत्र आयोजित करता है।)

More Sentences

  • The monk in charge of an abbey was the abbot , elected for life by the brethren.
  • When a decision has to be made, the abbot asks each monk's opinion, starting with the youngest.
  • The abbot and other monks preferred tap water, but it was not yet available.
  • Breaking away from brother Viri, the abbot crossed to where Darius lay.
  • He was educated by Bishop Erc of Kerry, and in time became a famous abbot and monastic founder.
  • On his deathbed, Cedd requested that Chad succeed him as abbot of Lastingham.
  • The alleged treachery of the abbot and monks of Ely after William seized monastic lands is blamed for the ultimate surrender.
  • If satisfied, the officiating abbot admits the postulant.
  • Most of the early medieval saints were bishops, abbots , and abbesses with an impeccable social pedigree.
  • The council was attended by 500 bishops, 70 abbots and over 1,000 other clergy.
  • Henry I was clearly not as impressed by Benedictine abbots and their temporal grandeur as his father had been.
  • I saw Roshi only at meals, which, unlike most abbots , he took with the monks.
  • Ever since the Concordat of 1516 between Francis I and Pope Leo X the king had appointed all bishops and the abbots of greater monasteries.
  • In addition, the land which the monasteries owned in the name of the Church, led bishops and abbots to have distinct political power as well
  • Some chief monks - abbots - were hanged but this was a rarity.
  • Friaries were occupied by friars, abbeys were headed by abbots , priories by priors.
  • But the feudal system also allowed for Church functionaries, for instance the abbots of powerful monarchies, to adopt something of a baronial role.