आज का शब्द - Word of The Day


  • गगनभेदी
  • गर्जनापूर्ण
  • कान फोड़नेवाला
  • धीमा करनेवाला
  • दबानेवाला
  • the music reached a deafening crescendo ( संगीत एक बहरे चरम पर पहुंच गया )
  • There was a deafening roar that echoed throughout the cavern. ( एक गूँजती गर्जना थी जो पूरे गुफा में गूँज रही थी। )
  • Another deafening clap of thunder brought her hands instinctively to her ears. ( गड़गड़ाहट की एक और गगनभेदी ताली ने सहज ही उसके हाथों को उसके कानों तक पहुँचा दिया। )
  • Another brilliant bolt of lightning ended in a deafening clap of thunder. ( बिजली का एक और शानदार बोल्ट गड़गड़ाहट की गगन के साथ समाप्त हुआ। )

More Sentence

  • The guns of that battery were being fired continually one after another with a deafening roar, enveloping the whole neighborhood in powder smoke.
  • Faster and faster, vying with one another, they moved at the double or at a trot, vanishing amid the clouds of dust they raised and making the air ring with a deafening roar of mingling shouts.
  • I only know that from the throats of the soldiers there arose a deafening shout of welcome.
  • Then followed a deafening shout that came from the hearts as well as from the throats of the boys.
  • The roar of the motor is deafening as the big bird of the air goes taxiing across the earth.
  • The air was filled with screeching, bursting shells, and a deafening pandemonium was in progress.
  • Along the region runs a deafening sound; Beneath their footsteps groans the trembling ground.
  • The noise below decks was deafening and fairly shook the iron pen in which our friends were confined.
  • Stunned by the deafening crash he felt himself lurching against a wall, amidst a shower of broken glass.
  • You enter these works expecting to hear the deafening noise of stampers, and you find that there are no stampers.
  • As he lifted these on high, they were saluted with deafening whoops and cries of exultation and savage joy.
  • The interior of the church was packed with bodies writhing to the deafening, throbbing music.
  • In the corporal's changed face, in the sound of his voice, in the stirring and deafening noise of the drums, he recognized that mysterious, callous force which compelled people against their will to kill their fellow men--that force the effect of which he had witnessed during the executions.
  • Just when Pierre snatched at and struck up the pistol Makar Alexeevich at last got his fingers on the trigger, there was a deafening report, and all were enveloped in a cloud of smoke.
  • Liz plopped a straw hat with a red, white, and blue band on Dean's head just as three jets in close formation screamed overhead, buzzing the town in a deafening roar.
  • This is done about midsummer, when by the aid of torches and long poles many thousands of the young birds are slaughtered, while their parents in alarm and rage hover over the destroyers' heads, uttering harsh and deafening cries.

Quotes of The Day

Mahatma Gandhi

खुद वो बदलाव बनिए जो आप दुनिया में देखना चाहते हैं।

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

ਉਹ ਤਬਦੀਲੀ ਬਣੋ ਜੋ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਸੰਸਾਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਦੇਖਣਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ।

وہ تبدیلی بنیں جو آپ دنیا میں دیکھنا چاہتے ہیں۔

உலகில் நீங்கள் காண விரும்பும் மாற்றமாக இருங்கள்.

మీరు ప్రపంచంలో చూడాలనుకుంటున్న మార్పుగా ఉండండి.