आज का शब्द - Word of The Day


  • मौलिक


  • मौलिक
  • आधारभूत
  • मूलभूत
  • मूल
  • the theories are based on a fundamental error ( सिद्धांत एक मौलिक त्रुटि पर आधारित हैं )
  • Even if the evidence was crystal clear that cherry juice speeds up recovery, there’s a more fundamental question. ( यहां तक ​​​​कि अगर सबूत स्पष्ट थे कि चेरी का रस वसूली को गति देता है, तो एक और मौलिक प्रश्न है। )
  • It must be remembered that speech contributed in no way to her fundamental education, though without the ability to speak she could hardly have gone to higher schools and to college. ( यह याद रखना चाहिए कि भाषण ने उनकी मौलिक शिक्षा में किसी भी तरह से योगदान नहीं दिया, हालांकि बोलने की क्षमता के बिना वह शायद ही उच्च विद्यालयों और कॉलेज में जा सकती थीं। )
  • Already anxieties appear as to the theological verdict upon two of his fundamental views - the infinitude of the universe, and the earth's rotation round the sun. ( उनके दो मूलभूत विचारों - ब्रह्मांड की अनंतता और सूर्य के चारों ओर पृथ्वी की परिक्रमा पर धार्मिक निर्णय के रूप में पहले से ही चिंताएं दिखाई देती हैं। )
  • the protection of fundamental human rights ( मौलिक मानवाधिकारों की सुरक्षा )
  • This decision marked a fundamental transformation in policy. ( इस निर्णय ने नीति में एक मौलिक परिवर्तन को चिह्नित किया। )
  • Water is fundamental to survival. ( पानी जीवित रहने के लिए मौलिक है। )
  • This illustrates a fundamental weakness in the system. ( यह व्यवस्था की मूलभूत कमजोरी को दर्शाता है। )

More Sentence

  • There are three fundamental principles of teamwork.
  • Clothes are a fundamental form of self-expression.
  • We need to make some fundamental changes in the way we do business.
  • interpretation of evidence is fundamental to the historian's craft
  • Closing a blind eye on the allegations of genocide in Xinjiang, goes against this very fundamental principle of the IOC.
  • the fundamental problem remains that of the housing shortage
  • something fundamental
  • The fundamental patterns of inequality have remained and have been accentuated by the war.
  • There is still a fundamental misunderstanding about the real purpose of this work.
  • It's one of the fundamental differences between men and women.
  • The school is based on the fundamental principle that each child should develop its full potential.
  • Silicon and oxygen are the fundamental constituents of rocks in the earth's crust.
  • A citizen must not be relieved from fulfilling the fundamental duties of citizens.
  • The fundamental principle of the magneto system has been described in connexion with the " Standard board."
  • The Constitution ensures our fundamental rights.
  • One fundamental that makes coaching successful is the nature of the relationship between the two people involved.
  • Investors should consider making pair trades, buying the cheaper and shorting the dearer of two materials that are linked to the same economic fundamentals, the strategists wrote.

Quotes of The Day

Mahatma Gandhi

खुद वो बदलाव बनिए जो आप दुनिया में देखना चाहते हैं।

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

ਉਹ ਤਬਦੀਲੀ ਬਣੋ ਜੋ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਸੰਸਾਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਦੇਖਣਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ।

وہ تبدیلی بنیں جو آپ دنیا میں دیکھنا چاہتے ہیں۔

உலகில் நீங்கள் காண விரும்பும் மாற்றமாக இருங்கள்.

మీరు ప్రపంచంలో చూడాలనుకుంటున్న మార్పుగా ఉండండి.