आज का शब्द - Word of The Day
- जंगली
- घना
- ढका हुआ
- Anyway, we have this drive from our place to the street, and along it grows this bushy hedge thing. ( वैसे भी, हमारे पास यह ड्राइव हमारे स्थान से सड़क तक है, और इसके साथ ही यह झाड़ीदार हेज चीज़ बढ़ती है। )
- Once plants are bushy , these stakes are difficult to install without damaging foliage. ( एक बार जब पौधों को झाड़ियां होती हैं, तो ये डंडे पत्ते को नुकसान पहुँचाए बिना स्थापित करना मुश्किल होते हैं। )
- Full sun encourages a full, bushy plant and the best blooms. ( पूर्ण सूर्य एक पूर्ण, झाड़ीदार पौधे और सर्वोत्तम खिलने को प्रोत्साहित करता है। )
- If the plant is too bushy , the inner leaves do not get sun and air circulation, making it an easy target for plant disease. ( यदि पौधा बहुत झाड़दार है, तो आंतरिक पत्तियों को सूरज और हवा का संचलन नहीं मिलता है, जिससे यह पौधे की बीमारी का आसान लक्ष्य बन जाता है। )
- My motor vehicle had a puncture at the corner of Pell Street and Beaconhurst Drive and as it was getting dark I was extremely worried as the area is bushy and unsafe. ( मेरे मोटर वाहन में पेल स्ट्रीट और बीकनहर्स्ट ड्राइव के कोने में एक पंचर था और जैसे-जैसे अंधेरा हो रहा था मैं बहुत चिंतित था क्योंकि यह क्षेत्र जंगली और असुरक्षित है। )
More Sentence
- It is so dense growing that it can make a bushy ground cover, great looking as well as saving work by smothering weeds.
- They are thriving, healthy and bushy and have grown to about 6-7ft tall, and still show no sign of flowering.
- Her theme is her environment in the rural Kidds Beach area, the mat of undergrowth in the bushy Eastern Cape forests and her deep love for this.
- These are bushy , vigorous plants with deciduous leaves of deep green.
- What a jaguar needs to survive in the rainforest of Belize, for instance, may be different from what it needs in the dry, open, bushy Sonora area of Mexico.
- It grows upright and bushy on strong stems with dense, long-lasting foliage.
- Depending on variety, schizanthus will grow from 1-2 feet in height, forming a neat, bushy type plant.
- I stare down into valley, whose steep contours are covered with bushy , broccoli-like clumps of kiewe (mesquite).
- These small, bushy plants literally bloom nonstop with an extraordinary abundance of petite flowers.
- For long-distance training, they run in a bushy area about 6km from the school and sometimes train along the beach.
- During the voyage most of the prisoners had grown quite bushy beards.
- By spring they will have produced bushy plants ready to carry on throughout the summer.
- He wore an ill-fitting gray suit, and had long, bushy sideburns that grew into his mustache.
- It consisted of three large bushy plants and half a dozen smaller individuals.
- The bushy plants are maintained at a height of six to eight feet.
- At Dorking Road, the bushy area ends.
- The Mt Keira tram way line passed directly through this bushy area.
- They grow big and bushy very quickly, therefore making the garden look full and well established.
- Lablab comes in two main forms: a bushy plant, or one which grows like a vine.
- It's extremely slow-growing, making a small bushy plant.
- Plants are bushy , so space seedlings at least a foot apart.
- It's a bushy plant that has very disease-resistant dark green foliage.
- Grass is a plant that grows thick and bushy when healthy.
- There are numerous stems, which are bushily branched with flowering branches at the top.
- Alongside a bony-headed, loose-lipped camel, a goat stands to attention, the shine of its wiry bushiness painted with patient genius, lock by tawny lock.
Quotes of The Day
Mahatma Gandhi
खुद वो बदलाव बनिए जो आप दुनिया में देखना चाहते हैं।
Be the change that you wish to see in the world.
ਉਹ ਤਬਦੀਲੀ ਬਣੋ ਜੋ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਸੰਸਾਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਦੇਖਣਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ।
وہ تبدیلی بنیں جو آپ دنیا میں دیکھنا چاہتے ہیں۔
உலகில் நீங்கள் காண விரும்பும் மாற்றமாக இருங்கள்.
మీరు ప్రపంచంలో చూడాలనుకుంటున్న మార్పుగా ఉండండి.