personality - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of personality in Hindi

  • व्यक्तित्व
  • कारकुन
  • शख़्सियत

personality Definition

  • the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character. ( विशेषताओं या गुणों का संयोजन जो व्यक्ति के विशिष्ट चरित्र का निर्माण करता है। )
  • a famous person, especially in entertainment or sports. ( एक प्रसिद्ध व्यक्ति, विशेष रूप से मनोरंजन या खेल में। )
  • the quality or fact of being a person as distinct from a thing or animal. ( किसी व्यक्ति या जानवर से अलग होने का गुण या तथ्य। )
  • disparaging remarks about an individual. ( एक व्यक्ति के बारे में अपमानजनक टिप्पणी। )

personality Example

  • each brand of gin has its own personality
  • A good mask should be able to express the personality of the character.
  • The style is determined by the personality and character of the publication, and often by the target audience.
  • I suppose I was questioning the whole idea of what a celebrity or a personality is.
  • she's always had loads of personality
  • They would have to make a character chart listing their personality and qualities.
  • she has triumphed by sheer force of personality
  • This is also when you can get to know the personality and character of your prospective sitter.
  • Every character was not only given a defining gesture, stance and voice but also a distinctive personality .
  • There remains the question of the distinction between a television star and a television personality .
  • They felt Coolidge was too quiet, that he lacked color and personality .
  • In a vivacious woman, not necessarily a pretty one, her personality , charm and character can shine through.
  • Instead it is a study of the personality traits of successful people.
  • Not that it matters anyway: we're probably more interested in personality and passion for the role than test points.
  • People are drawn to their sunny personality and easygoing disposition.
  • It has that sense of unassuming warm-heartedness and personality .
  • It becomes obvious in conversation that intellect is still one of the personality traits she admires most.
  • There is only one possible reason for a book such as this, the autobiography of a television personality .
  • We've all seen her in full flow, holding the room captive with the sheer force of her personality .
  • On top of all that, Charles says they have bucket loads of personality .
  • an official opening by a famous personality
  • He had an extremely dark sense of humour and so much personality .
  • she had a sunny personality that was very engaging
  • They have no personality , and if you try and study them closely in the dream, you can't make out any detail on their face.
  • There is a major resemblance in the personality traits of most trendy people.
  • My emphasis was very much on the individuals and characters and personalities .
  • Regular columns like interviews with famous personalities allow readers to have a feel of what helped people come up in life.
  • This is the only way voters can assess the personalities and characters of these people.
  • They cannot rise to become famous media personalities by ‘speaking what they often hear’.
  • The resort's seclusion attracted him more than the chance to see any celebrity personalities .