intoxicated - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of intoxicated in Hindi

  • नशे में चूर


  • नशा
  • प्रमत्त
  • मादक
  • मस्त
  • मदहोश
  • मदमत्त

intoxicated Definition


  • drunk or under the influence of drugs.

intoxicated Example

  • he was so intoxicated that he could barely walk ( वह इतना नशे में था कि मुश्किल से चल पाता था )
  • She stood in the warm silence, senses intoxicated by their bond, his scent and body. ( वह गर्म मौन में खड़ी थी, उनके बंधन, उसकी गंध और शरीर के नशे में धुत्त होश। )
  • Do not serve alcohol to minors or to anyone that appears intoxicated. ( अवयस्कों या किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति को शराब न दें जो नशे में दिखे। )
  • Of all ebriosity, who does not prefer to be intoxicated by the air he breathes? ( सभी प्रकार की उच्छृंखलता में से कौन जिस हवा में सांस लेता है उसके नशे में रहना पसंद नहीं करता? )

More Sentence

  • The faithful talking with tongues were taken by bystanders for drunken men, but intoxicated men do not talk in languages of which they are normally ignorant.2 Paul on the whole discouraged glossolaly.
  • I was intoxicated also, and had my own sharp curves to worry with.
  • My mother left the world with deep regret; I, being intoxicated by.
  • The early hours found them at their most dangerous and intoxicated.
  • It has become the intoxicated slave of its own detestable ingenuity.
  • He returned intoxicated, and Efím began to ask him about the house.
  • Intoxicated by its massive conglomerations, the world has lost its.
  • This tramping to and fro soothed and at the same time intoxicated him.
  • Her words were sincere and yet they intoxicated me with their promise.
  • No wonder people became intoxicated by these ultimately deadly stocks.
  • Of course, we can't allow ourselves to get intoxicated by such numbers.
  • So what’s the police policy about being intoxicated on the job?
  • She would under normal circumstances cook dinner but she was intoxicated.
  • A mind intoxicated with sensuality is blind to its existence and presence.
  • At first, love had intoxicated her; and she had thought of nothing beyond.
  • For instance, an alcoholic may make a bad decision and drive while intoxicated.
  • An autopsy concluded that she was intoxicated and that may have been a contributor to her death.
  • Intoxication - Consuming alcohol faster than your body can process it leads to becoming intoxicated, which, at its simplest is basically, poisoning the body.
  • Being intoxicated and having your date take care of you is not a good way to start a relationship.
  • The ancient intelligence in his gaze terrified her, and she couldn't escape the scent of blood and sex that left her feeling intoxicated and wanting more of him.
  • They now think she could have become intoxicated by a natural toxin found in algae blooms.
  • officials are reporting an increase in the number of intoxicated students requiring medical attention