favour - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of favour in Hindi
- पक्ष
- तरफ़दारी
- अनुग्रह करना
- अनुग्रह
- पक्षपात
- अनुमति
- अति कृपा
- पत्र
- इनायत
- पक्ष लेना
- अनुमोदन करना
- कृपा करना
- सहायता देना
- समर्थन करना
favour Definition
- approval, support, or liking for someone or something.
- an act of kindness beyond what is due or usual.
- feel or show approval or preference for.
- (often used in polite requests) give someone (something that they want).
- treat (an injured limb) gently, not putting one's full weight on it.
favour Example
- I've come to ask you a favor (मैं आपसे एक एहसान माँगने आया हूँ)
- slashing public spending is a policy that few politicians favor (सार्वजनिक खर्च में कमी एक ऐसी नीति है जिसका बहुत कम राजनेता समर्थन करते हैं)
- please favor me with an answer (कृपया मुझे एक उत्तर के साथ अनुग्रहित करें)
- they accused you of showing favor to one of the players (उन्होंने आप पर एक खिलाड़ी पर एहसान करने का आरोप लगाया)
- the legislation is viewed with favor (कानून को पक्ष की दृष्टि से देखा जाता है)
- The pastime found favour with the Stuarts. (शगल को स्टुअर्ट्स का साथ मिला।)
- He gained the favour of Louis XIV. (उन्होंने लुई XIV का पक्ष प्राप्त किया।)
- By his rigorous imposts he alienated the favour of his subjects, and especially of the clergy, whom he otherwise sought to control firmly. (अपने कठोर प्रलोभनों से उन्होंने अपनी प्रजा और विशेष रूप से पादरियों के पक्ष को अलग-थलग कर दिया, जिन्हें उन्होंने अन्यथा दृढ़ता से नियंत्रित करने की मांग की।)
- The evidence appears to be in favour of Troughton. (सबूत ट्राउटन के पक्ष में प्रतीत होते हैं।)
- He in turn referred it to the bishops of Spires and Worms, who gave decision in March 1514 in favour of Reuchlin. (उन्होंने बदले में इसे स्पियर्स और वर्म्स के बिशपों के पास भेजा, जिन्होंने मार्च 1514 में रेउक्लिन के पक्ष में निर्णय दिया।)
More sentences
- Do me a favor and don't listen to Dulce.
- Can you do this one last favor for me?
- Do me a favor and don't climb back up on your soapbox.
- Lydia spoke not another word, ignoring Dean in favor of her thoughts as she raced back to town.
- But you can do me a favor on the case.
- I have a favour to ask of you.
- He surmised that the suggestion wouldn't find favour.
- He argued in favour of capital punishment.
- Ninety percent of the people surveyed were in favour.
- Would all those in favour please raise their hands?
- She discriminated in favour of her daughter.
- Do me the favour to deny me at once.
- The majority was / were in favour of banning smoking.
- I have a favour to ask of you.
- He surmised that the suggestion wouldn’t find favour.
- He argued in favour of capital punishment.
- Ninety percent of the people surveyed were in favour.
- Many support the former alternative, but personally I favour the latter .
- Could you do me a favour and pick up Sam from school today?