elude - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of elude in Hindi


  • टलना
  • बचना
  • टाल जाना
  • बच निकालना
  • टाल-मटोल करना
  • टालना
  • बच निकलना

elude Definition


  • evade or escape from (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skillful or cunning way.

elude Example

  • he managed to elude his pursuers by escaping into an alley ( वह एक  गली में भागकर अपने पीछा करने वालों को छुड़ाने में कामयाब रहा )
  • The criminal was able to elude the police in the crowded mall. ( भीड़भाड़ वाले मॉल में अपराधी पुलिस को चकमा देने में सफल रहे। )
  • When Hazel shoplifts, she tries to elude the store cameras. ( जब हेज़ल दुकानदारी करती है, तो वह स्टोर के कैमरों से बचने की कोशिश करती है। )
  • Item for item it will elude the hands of the corpse-cleaners and. ( आइटम के लिए यह लाश-सफाई करने वालों के हाथों से बच जाएगा और। )

More Sentence

  • Son continued to elude attacks, countering them and using the weapons.
  • What puzzled Roger was a question that seemed to elude a reasonable answer.
  • Hopkins wanted to check on the rate of ostracism, but that would elude him.
  • I stopped at one or two stands of coaches to elude pursuit, and then drove.
  • Some astrophysicists have suggested that the missing galaxies elude observa-.
  • I had dared and baffled his fury; I must elude his sorrow: I retired to the door.
  • Interest, ever alert, will avail itself of our extensive coast and elude the law.
  • Jason hurried out of the grocery store in an attempt to elude his crazy ex-girlfriend.
  • Because the convict developed a full-proof escape plan, he was able to elude capture for over twelve years.
  • The cruise ship was too big to elude the pirate vessel.