dust bowl - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of dust bowl in Hindi

  • धूल का कटोरा

dust bowl Definition


  • an area of land where vegetation has been lost and soil reduced to dust and eroded, especially as a consequence of drought or unsuitable farming practice.

dust bowl Example

  • It looked like a bunch of Okies fleeing the dust bowl ." ( ऐसा लग रहा था कि ओकेज़ का एक झुंड धूल के कटोरे से भाग रहा है।" )
  • The Dust Bowl on the Great Plains coincided with the Great Depression ( ग्रेट प्लेन्स पर डस्ट बाउल ग्रेट डिप्रेशन के साथ मेल खाता था )
  • Amarillo was hit by the Dust Bowl and entered an curio shops. ( अमरिलो डस्ट  बाउल की चपेट में आ गया और एक क्यूरियो शॉप में घुस गया। )
  • Farms in other regions of the state have become virtual dust bowls. ( राज्य के अन्य क्षेत्रों में खेत धूल के पात्र बन गए हैं। )

More Sentence

  • What does one do after walking into a nuclear dust bowl?
  • Parts of the development went from dust bowl to green valley.
  • Migrants abandoned the worst hit sections of Texas during the Dust Bowl
  • The Dust Bowl was said to be a result of their fights.
  • That's the case with this Depression drama set in Dust Bowl Texas.
  • In'54, Junction was just a dust bowl 300 miles from College Station.
  • Ken Thomas was born in Mead, Oklahoma during the great Dust Bowl.
  • It's difficult to see dust bowl in a sentence .