detergent - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of detergent in Hindi

  • डिटर्जेंट


  • पोंछनेवाला
  • साफ़ करनेवाला
  • निखारनेवाला


  • शोधक
  • शुद्ध करनेवाला पदाथ
  • प्रक्षालक द्रव्य
  • अपमार्जक द्रव्य
  • अपक्षालक द्रव्य
  • साफ करने वाला द्रव्य

detergent Definition


  • relating to detergent compounds or their action.


  • a water-soluble cleansing agent which combines with impurities and dirt to make them more soluble, and differs from soap in not forming a scum with the salts in hard water.

detergent Example

  • staining that resists detergent action ( धुंधला हो जाना जो डिटर्जेंट क्रिया का प्रतिरोध करता है )
  • clean with any domestic detergent. ( किसी भी घरेलू डिटर्जेंट से साफ करें। )
  • By calling a soap: 'sunlight' and a detergent: 'tide'. ( साबुन को 'सूर्य की रोशनी' और एक डिटर्जेंट को 'ज्वार' कहकर पुकारें। )
  • To revive a vase of wilted flowers, add a teaspoon of mild detergent. ( मुरझाए हुए फूलों के फूलदान को पुनर्जीवित करने के लिए, एक चम्मच माइल्ड डिटर्जेंट मिलाएं। )
  • He ran hot water into the sink with a little detergent added and set to. ( उसने सिंक में गर्म पानी डाला और उसमें थोड़ा सा डिटर्जेंट मिला कर सेट कर दिया। )

More Sentence

  • Some women find that switching soap and detergent can help curb such problems.
  • Wash the garments using a soft and gentle detergent.
  • A small amount of mild detergent or bubble bath will not harm your garden.
  • If for whatever reason your Gund toy no longer has this tag, then surface wash the plush with a mild detergent.
  • Clothes, detergent, diapers and toys are always in demand.
  • It's difficult to see detergent in a sentence .
  • The take included flour, sugar, canned vegetables and detergent.
  • He has washed his camouflage gear in scent-free detergent.
  • To clean the grout, bleach and a detergent may help.
  • Rinse the diapers, then wash with a non-biological detergent.
  • Adding a good heavy-duty detergent the contamination is reduced much more to well below the target level.
  • detergent dispenser just won't close.
  • detergent bottle must have a half-life of several millennia.
  • He knows that the springs of his being have been poisoned, and he has no detergent to make them sweet.
  • In the case of weak-bodied soap, this addition gives firmness and tends to increase the detergent qualities.
  • Instruction is, to some extent, already available as to soaps, detergent solutions and bleaching agents.
  • This detergent is prepared in the wash-tub at the time of use, and it is claimed that goods are cleansed by merely immersing them in this solution for a short time and rinsing in fresh water.
  • The leaves and midribs, when burned, furnish an ash so rich in potash that it may be used alone in water as a substitute for soap or when a powerful detergent is required.
  • A wash with household detergent should solve the problem.
  • An all purpose, heavy-duty powder detergent does a good job of cleaning most clothes and is suitable for all washable fabrics.
  • packets of detergent