cyst - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of cyst in Hindi
- पुटी
- पुटक
- पुटिका
cyst Definition
- in an animal or plant, a thin-walled, hollow organ or cavity containing a liquid secretion; a sac, vesicle, or bladder.
cyst Example
- Spermatocele is a benign cyst in the scrotum. ( शुक्राणु अंडकोश में एक सौम्य पुटी है। )
- That, and in its cyst form this parasite is. ( वह, और इसके पुटी रूप में यह परजीवी है। )
- The cyst became a tumor almost before their eyes. ( उनकी आंखों के सामने सिस्ट ट्यूमर बन गया। )
- It turned out I had an ovarian cyst the size of a. ( यह पता चला कि मेरे पास एक डिम्बग्रंथि पुटी का आकार था। )
More Sentence
- The swelling at the end of the scar grows into a cyst.
- This cyst fortunately turned out to be benign and the woman did well.
- To make a long story short, we operated on her and removed a large ovarian cyst.
- In 1905, Dr Arthur Spohn’s case of an ovarian cyst was estimated to weigh 148.
- It was drained prior to surgical removal of the cyst shell and the patient made a full recovery in Texas, USA.
- The second morphotype which comprises all illustrated paratypes, bears an outer cyst surface with trigonal pointed crystal tips.
- Oral contraceptives are sometimes used for 1-2 months to suppress ovarian function and prevent further cyst formation.
- A primary spermatogonium surrounded by a pair of cyst cells undergoes four mitotic divisions, forming a cyst of 16 primary spermatocytes.
- Eventually, we wound up radiographing it, and she had a large cyst in her sinuses on the left side.
- His spinal accessory nerve was mistakenly severed during surgery to remove a cyst on his neck.
- A history of fever, chills or urinary tract infection suggests an infected cyst or an abscess.
- Immunohistochemical studies were performed using formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections of the cyst wall.
- Retention of the sebaceous secretions, and dilation of the follicle, may lead to cyst formation.
- Teratoma typically contains tissues derived from all 3 germinal layers, whereas dermoid cyst presumably originates from ectoderm and mesoderm.
- In some areas the mucosa lining the cyst had a slightly villiform appearance, whereas elsewhere it was flattened and simplified.
- If there is a recurrence then operative removal of the cyst and its sac becomes necessary.
- The cyst wall disintegrates in the small intestine, releasing motile trophozoites.
- On that occasion a cyst that was aggravating nerve joints was drained and the shoulder joint was cleaned up.
- Cysts may feel firm as the fluid may be tightly contained within the cyst capsule.
- Women can drive their pain in organs that embody femininity, and the pain is implanted in them, causing a cyst or a tumor.
- Cysts – having a cyst on an ovary can cause pain – which will obviously affect your partner’s desire for sex with you.
- A few days before we were scheduled to deploy, I went to the doctor to see about getting a cyst in my neck removed.
- The most recent case was of that of a large bartholin cyst infection that was sent to the gynecologist for surgical treatment.
- Because of the medical situation with the cyst and then my daughter’s birth, I ended up leaving the States about a week behind the rest of my platoon.
- Because of the medical situation with the cyst and then my daughter’s birth, I ended up leaving the States about a week behind the rest of my platoon.