crescent - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of crescent in Hindi
- वर्धमान
- बढ़ने वाला
- अर्धचन्द्राकार
crescent Definition
- the curved sickle shape of the waxing or waning moon.
- a thing that has has the shape of a single curve, especially one that is broad in the center and tapers to a point at each end.a moth or butterfly with crescent-shaped markings on the wings.
- having the shape of a crescent.
- growing, increasing, or developing.
crescent Example
- on the flag was embroidered the Turkish crescent ( ध्वज पर तुर्की अर्धचंद्राकार कढ़ाई की गई थी )
- the moon was a slender crescent ( चाँद एक पतला अर्धचंद्र था )
- The bisquits were formed into a crescent shape. ( बिस्किट्स को अर्धचंद्राकार आकार में बनाया गया था। )
- Below the falls, a crescent rainbow gave color to the rising mist while sparkles of ice formed from the spray. ( फॉल्स के नीचे, एक अर्धचंद्राकार इंद्रधनुष ने बढ़ती धुंध को रंग दिया, जबकि स्प्रे से बर्फ की चमक पैदा हुई। )
More Sentence
- The high carved prow and stern give the craft almost a crescent shape.
- BONGO (Boocercus eurycerus), a West African bushbuck, the largest of the group. The male is deep chestnut, marked on the body with narrow white stripes, on the chest with a white crescent, and on the face by two white spots below the eye.
- Everywhere in the r5th century, in Europe and in Asia, the crescent was victorious over the cross; and Crusade and mission, whether one regards them as complementary or inimical, perished together.'
- It has the shape of a broad crescent, about 430 m.
- A new order of battle was adopted - the troops being massed in crescent formation, with a reserve in the shape of a parallelogram ready to strengthen the weakest point.
- Del Norte County pesticide storage area near Crescent City.
- They broke into the house in Scotto Crescent through the patio doors and made off with several ornaments.
- No progress to report on the Baberton Crescent scheme but enquiries have been received from Woodhall area.
- The stars and a thin crescent moon shed just enough light to show where the path led up through the trees.
- Saw the white crescent, tipped earthward.
- The hours of darkness spent at Sloane Crescent were taking on a hallucinatory quality.
- A thin crescent moon will appear to the left of Venus the evening of July 6.
- The crescent moon is a common feature of the flags of Islamic countries.
- There are five classes; the badge is a silver sun of seven clustered rays, with crescent and star between each cluster; on a gold centre is the sultan's name in black Turkish lettering, surrounded by a red fillet inscribed with the words Zeal, Devotion, Loyalty; it is suspended from a red crescent and star; the ribbon is red with green borders.
- The medieval Jews on the whole lived, under the crescent, a fuller and freer life than was possible to them under the cross.
- a three-mile crescent of golden sand
- a crescent moon