coyly - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of coyly in Hindi
- शर्मीले
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- लज्जाशीलता से
coyly Definition
- in an outwardly shy or modest way intended to be alluring.
- in a way that shows reluctance to give details about something regarded as sensitive.
coyly Example
- she smiles coyly for the camera ( वह कैमरे के लिए निडर मुस्कुराती है )
- She smiled down at him coyly. ( वह बेशर्मी से उस पर मुस्कुराई। )
- "Sweet little ole me?" she asked, blinking at him coyly. ( "स्वीट लिटिल ओले मी?" उसने निडरता से उस पर झपकाते हुए पूछा। )
- He somewhat coyly looks away from the camera as if not quite ready for his close-up, but all the while preening. ( वह कुछ हद तक कैमरे से दूर दिखता है जैसे कि अपने क्लोज-अप के लिए बिल्कुल तैयार नहीं है, लेकिन हर समय शिकार करता है। )
More Sentence
- The "little mystery" she coyly invokes here was not so trivial in the eyes of the literary world.
- The book has seven sections (or 'strings to its lyre', as he coyly puts it).
- Because Ellen stared at me coyly, I knew there was more information she wasn’t telling me.
- Kate looked coyly at the floor when her daughter asked her questions about sex.
- Marston's movie leaves you with an unsatisfying feeling that the comparison has been coyly hinted at, but left unexplored.
- He grinned coyly and we continued on our stroll, slurping our ice cream and looking like content children.
- Despite her impressive results,she remains somewhat of a mystery, even coyly avoiding answers that might reveal her form.
- Her company's sales have continued to grow at a double-digit rate, she says coyly.
- He dismissed the notion but only after coyly reminding us that he himself ranked 94 in that same poll.
- Our guide coyly overlooks their age discrepancy, as carved on the headstone.
- Though coyly written in the third person, these quips show him basking in his achievements.
- He is widely rumored to be the driving force behind the proposed lawsuit and he coyly admits to fielding inquiries.
- Tony Blair is coyly vacillating on the issue of standing for European Council president.
- Elsewhere, sober stone houses peek coyly at one and other across cobbled streets and evocative old closes.
- I'm glad our wedding photographer didn't make us peek out coyly from behind a tree or some such nonsense.
- By coyly answering the reporter’s question, the politician caused everyone to believe he was being deceptive.
- The detective coyly responded to the missing girl’s parents because he didn’t want to give them false hope.
- Without revealing any answers, the professor coyly gave me details about the exam.
- She later continues the puppet show theme likening him to a marionette and coyly asking who is pulling the strings?
- He stares ahead at her as she looks coyly out at the viewer.
- The difference is that he boasts of doing things which his predecessor coyly admitted doing.
- I wonder what those bulky items are that are so coyly described.
- After all, it did not glide coyly into the world.
- She was sitting coyly, in the cocoon of a bright blue silk sari, head bowed and veiled.
- Some lastborns transfer this powerlessness into a personal asset by becoming the boss of the family, coyly eliciting or openly demanding their own way.
- he coyly withheld his candidacy