coolness - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of coolness in Hindi

  • ठंडक
  • शीत
  • शीतलता

coolness Definition


  • the quality or condition of being at a fairly low temperature.
  • the quality of lacking friendliness or enthusiasm.
  • the quality of being fashionably attractive or impressive.

coolness Example

  • the coolness of the breeze ( हवा की शीतलता )
  • Thinking is, or ought to be, a coolness and a calmness; and our poor hearts throb, and our poor brains beat too much for that. ( सोचना एक शीतलता और शांति है, या होना चाहिए; और हमारे गरीब दिल धड़कते हैं, और हमारे गरीब दिमाग उसके लिए बहुत ज्यादा धड़कते हैं। )
  • the coolness of this phone was worth the extra money ( इस फोन की ठंडक अतिरिक्त पैसे के लायक थी )
  • Would this coolness last forever? ( क्या यह शीतलता सदा बनी रहेगी? )

More Sentence

  • There’s a slight coolness in the air – do you think it’s going to rain?
  • Max showed the greatest coolness and did his best to calm the populace.
  • After such a hot day we enjoyed the coolness of the evening breeze.
  • The sound of the water rushing over rocks and the coolness of the water lifted her spirits.
  • She planted her hand on his forehead, coolness flowing through her.
  • The coolness of his touch turned to gentle electric currents that worked their paths through her skull.
  • I noticed a certain coolness between them.
  • Then she was aware of the coolness of a shadow falling across her back, the presence of two men behind her.
  • Coolness drifted in the window, and a fragrance of wet grass.
  • Coolness is by far and away the most important feature of a car these days.
  • Early in 1793 the "Juno" went to the Mediterranean under Lord Hood, and her captain distinguished himself by an audacious feat of coolness and seamanship in extricating his vessel from the harbour of Toulon, which he had entered in ignorance of Lord Hood's withdrawal.
  • Even Lori and Katie noticed their coolness toward each other at church.
  • The coolness and firmness of Bernstorff saved the situation.
  • Why didn't anyone notice the coolness between them
  • He was almost done when the burst of coolness awoke her, and she looked down to see him smoothing the skin around her faded wound.
  • Many users, however, prefer the wickerwork construction despite its dated appearance because of the lightness and coolness it provides.
  • How good to feel the sudden coolness, the relaxation.
  • A coolness had developed that Eve did not understand.
  • I replied with a coolness that masked my true feelings.
  • Meanwhile, Tom stepped out of the coolness of the bank.
  • She halted feeling the coolness of it as it made contact.
  • The coolness of autumn was accompanied by a brilliant sun.
  • With a touch of vanity he expressed the fear lest "the coolness of fancy that attends advanced years should make me risk the reputation I had acquired."
  • Cornelius de Witt on this occasion distinguished himself greatly by his coolness and intrepidity.
  • She splashed some of it on her face and its coolness took her breath.
  • Opinions were divided in the emperor's circle between a Russian and an Austrian princess; but the marked coolness with which overtures for the hand of the tsar's sister were received at St Petersburg, and the skill with which Count Metternich, the Austrian chancellor, let it be known that a union with the archduchess, Marie Louise, would be welcomed at Schonbrunn, helped to decide the matter.
  • Michael's coolness and resource, however, never deserted him.
  • Better yet, stop the car and stride into the coolness.
  • His coolness and utter disregard of danger inspired all . }}
  • Ever by my side, he displayed great gallantry and coolness.
  • Another factor was George Seifert's coolness to Sanders.
  • He evidenced marked coolness in spite of the hazards involved.
  • A channel of water running under the house provides coolness in summer.
  • It's difficult to see coolness in a sentence .
  • There's too much coolness and not enough anger.
  • Just holding a cigarette enhances image, conveys extreme coolness.
  • the coolness towards the revolutionary cults
  • his greatest strength is his coolness under pressure
  • the refreshing coolness of the water
  • her art has an icy coolness