chameleon - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of chameleon in Hindi
- गिरगिट
- गिर्गिट
- बहुरुपी
- अस्तिर प्रकृति का पुरुष
chameleon Definition
- a small slow-moving Old World lizard with a prehensile tail, long extensible tongue, protruding eyes that rotate independently, and a highly developed ability to change color. ( एक छोटी धीमी गति से चलने वाली पुरानी दुनिया की छिपकली, जो एक प्रीहेंसाइल टेल, लंबी एक्सटेंसिबल जीभ, उभरी हुई आँखें होती है, जो स्वतंत्र रूप से घूमती हैं, और रंग बदलने की एक उच्च विकसित क्षमता है। )
chameleon Example
- Chameleons such as this male Parson's chameleon from Madagascar change their skin color to hide and to communicate. ( मेडागास्कर के इस नर पारसोन के गिरगिट जैसे गिरगिट अपनी त्वचा के रंग को छिपाने और संवाद करने के लिए बदलते हैं। )
- Bowie remains the quintessential song-and-dance man, effortlessly charming and elegant, and as ever, a shameless karma chameleon . ( बोवी सर्वोत्कृष्ट गीत-और-नृत्य करने वाले व्यक्ति हैं, सहज रूप से आकर्षक और सुरुचिपूर्ण, और हमेशा की तरह, एक बेशर्म कर्म गिरगिट। )
- Look at an actor who never ceases to amaze in his breathe of characters and you'll know she is not the only fashion chameleon around. ( एक ऐसे अभिनेता को देखें, जो अपने चरित्रों की सांस लेने में कभी विस्मित नहीं होता है और आपको पता चल जाएगा कि वह इकलौता फैशन गिरगिट नहीं है। )
- It was impossible not to like this energetic chameleon , this part salesman, part bit actor and part seducer. ( इस ऊर्जावान गिरगिट को पसंद नहीं करना असंभव था, यह हिस्सा विक्रेता, भाग बिट अभिनेता और भाग seducer। )
- This is similar in ways to the chameleon , a lizard which can alter the colour of its skin. ( यह गिरगिट के तरीके के समान है, एक छिपकली जो इसकी त्वचा के रंग को बदल सकती है। )
More Sentence
- voters have misgivings about his performance as a political chameleon
- I watch the sky change its colour like a chameleon .
- This is the last view myriad insects have in life before being swamped by a long, sticky tongue and sucked back into the chameleon 's mouth.
- The chameleon has the ability to bring long life or death, fecundity or barrenness, depending on its color.
- A chameleon was shifting to match the kaleidoscope of colour given off by the lights of a gramophone record store.
- Everyone in Canada will now have the uncanny ability of the chameleon .
- The strange thing about abusers is that they're like some kind of social chameleon .
- The most brilliant move by the director was the casting of artistic chameleon and rock-and-roll space oddity David Bowie.
- It is as if to survive, it has had to change names, like a chameleon changing colours.
- Listeners seemed divided over whether Skaggs or musical chameleon Elvis Costello stole Thursday's show.
- She describes herself as a nurse chameleon who has not changed her colors - she is just wearing them in a different medium.
- I was the most extreme kind of musical chameleon .
- The real surprise would be if the post-modern chameleon made two albums in a row that sounded alike.
- We all understand the ability of the chameleon to change its colours to suit its environment.
- The team that saw France bestride the football world for the first time ever had more colours than a chameleon and, ultimately, did more for race relations than any number of government initiatives.
- You know, the wily old chameleon could still come out ahead.
- These and a whole list of other questions far longer than a chameleon 's telescopic tongue, still need to be answered.
- On his fifth album, Harper plays the role of musical chameleon , shifting and defying musical categorization.
- Their eyes move independently of each other, like those of a chameleon , and their bodies are covered by bony plates, similar to those of seahorses.
- In the evening the Mekong always seemed to come alive, changing its colour like a chameleon , camouflaging itself against the darkening sky until it swallowed the sun.
- It lacked the light brown fur, however, and instead owned a soft, fleshy skin with the abilities of a chameleon .
- Never transforming his image significantly, yet constantly changing roles like a chameleon .
- But Brooke's chameleonic ability to morph into exactly what we need him to be - that's not a skill to be tossed aside.
- We would have to agree with this article, which dubs these guys "musical chameleons ".
- They are often referred to as American chameleons , although they are unrelated to chameleons.