birth - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of birth in Hindi

  • जन्म


  • जन्म
  • संभव
  • उत्पत्ति

birth Definition


  • the emergence of a baby or other young from the body of its mother; the start of life as a physically separate being. ( अपनी मां के शरीर से एक बच्चे या अन्य युवा का उद्भव; शारीरिक रूप से अलग होने के रूप में जीवन की शुरुआत। )


  • give birth to (a baby or other young). ( (एक बच्चे या अन्य युवा) को जन्म देना। )

birth Example

  • He is a dual citizen but American by birth and accent. ( वह एक दोहरे नागरिक हैं लेकिन जन्म और लहजे से अमेरिकी हैं। )
  • Psychologists who deal with phobias usually trace them to incidents in very young childhood - from birth to about five. ( मनोवैज्ञानिक जो फोबिया से निपटते हैं, वे आमतौर पर बचपन में जन्म से लेकर लगभग पांच साल तक की घटनाओं का पता लगाते हैं। )
  • An electional chart is a chart set up for the time of an event; for its beginning or birth . ( एक चुनावी चार्ट एक घटना के समय के लिए निर्धारित चार्ट है; इसकी शुरुआत या जन्म के लिए। )
  • His popularity sprang from his simple, evocative verse, augmented by the appeal of a noble birth , romantic youth, and tragic end. ( उनकी लोकप्रियता उनके सरल, विचारोत्तेजक श्लोक से उभर कर आई, जो एक महान जन्म, रोमांटिक युवाओं और दुखद अंत की अपील से बढ़ी। )
  • Some American servicemen and women are Muslim by birth . ( कुछ अमेरिकी सेवादार और महिलाएं जन्म से मुस्लिम हैं। )
  • She said she was a Kiwi by birth and I remarked I'd been to En Zed a couple of times and that the last time I'd been there I'd visited Hobbiton. ( उसने कहा कि वह जन्म से एक कीवी थी और मैंने टिप्पणी की थी कि मैं एक-दो बार एन जेड जाऊंगी और पिछली बार जब मैं वहां गई थी तो मैं हॉबिटन से मिलने गई थी। )
  • Argentine by birth , he became famous in his native country for a series of songs in the 1940s, but he also composed symphonic works and pieces for other solo instruments. ( जन्म के समय अर्जेंटीना, वह 1940 के दशक में गाने की एक श्रृंखला के लिए अपने मूल देश में प्रसिद्ध हो गया, लेकिन उसने अन्य एकल वाद्ययंत्रों के लिए सिम्फोनिक कार्यों और टुकड़ों की भी रचना की। )
  • The book presents a fascinating story of the birth & beginning of the roots of Hinduism from 8,000 BCE. ( पुस्तक 8,000 ईसा पूर्व से हिंदू धर्म की जड़ों के जन्म और शुरुआत की एक आकर्षक कहानी प्रस्तुत करती है। )

More Sentence

  • This was the birth of new and improved ventures.
  • he welcomed the birth of the new company
  • he was very small at birth
  • She is, I think, Swiss by birth and is now based in Toronto, and she creates stories by posing children's dolls and other toys in her photographs.
  • All contestants must be Irish by birth or ancestry.
  • Both are even apparent in children who have been blind and deaf from birth , who differentiate strangers from familiars by their smell.
  • the birth of Christianity
  • they were of noble birth
  • Indian by birth , he is on a foreign posting in New Delhi.
  • English by birth , I'd been in Australia for about 10 years and had a hankering to return to my roots, if not permanently, then at least for a considerable length of time.
  • Like other animals, they pass through a life cycle from birth to maturity to death.
  • the birth of democracy
  • There are several physiological changes that occur in the digestive tract of the young pig from birth to eight weeks of age.
  • Cortes considers himself Spanish by birth and gypsy by heritage.
  • I don't think there is a regional favorite, although he's clearly a South Carolinian by birth .
  • Only those moments that show democracy's birth and possibility, along with its decline and failure, become resources for imagining our future.
  • the birth of an idea
  • despite a difficult birth he's fit and healthy
  • As Mr Peters said, this is the worst kind of start, or birth , for a new court.
  • They do not permit her to make us happy, but put her on a level with money, status, noble birth , health, beauty and other things which are common to virtue and vice.
  • The Jacob cycle is a life cycle, from birth to death, from exile to return.
  • And so he comes, through these various transgressions, into conflict with the mandates of the ethnic group and religion to which he belongs by birth .