associate - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of associate in Hindi

  • साथी
  • जुटना
  • मिलना
  • मिलाना
  • संगी
  • सहभागी
  • सहयोगी
  • संधिबद्ध
  • मिलाजुला

associate Definition


  • a partner or colleague in business or at work. ( व्यवसाय में या काम पर एक सहयोगी या सहयोगी। )
  • a person with limited or subordinate membership in an organization. ( किसी संगठन में सीमित या अधीनस्थ सदस्यता वाला व्यक्ति। )
  • a concept connected with another. ( एक अवधारणा दूसरे के साथ जुड़ी। )


  • joined or connected with an organization or business. ( किसी संगठन या व्यवसाय से जुड़ा या जुड़ा हुआ। )


  • connect (someone or something) with something else in one's mind. ( किसी के मन में किसी और चीज़ से जुड़ना (किसी को या कुछ)। )

associate Example

  • The others only qualify for various levels of associate membership. ( अन्य केवल सहयोगी सदस्यता के विभिन्न स्तरों के लिए अर्हता प्राप्त करते हैं। )
  • It exposed her to the ins and outs of more than a dozen careers - each of which could be entered after graduating from a two-year associate 's degree program. (इसने उसे एक दर्जन से अधिक करियर के भारतीय नौसेना पोत और बहिष्कार से अवगत कराया - जिनमें से प्रत्येक को दो साल के सहयोगी के डिग्री कार्यक्रम से स्नातक होने के बाद प्रवेश दिया जा सकता है। )
  • This is always the invitation of a friend or associate . ( यह हमेशा किसी मित्र या सहयोगी का निमंत्रण होता है। )
  • The survey found that 73 percent of the respondents reported receiving an associate 's degree and that 32 percent said they were going on to seek a bachelor's degree. ( सर्वेक्षण में पाया गया कि उत्तरदाताओं के 73 प्रतिशत ने एक सहयोगी की डिग्री प्राप्त करने की सूचना दी और 32 प्रतिशत ने कहा कि वे स्नातक की डिग्री प्राप्त करने जा रहे हैं। )
  • Most tribal colleges offer accredited two-year associate of arts degrees, though as many as six now offer four-year degrees. ( अधिकांश आदिवासी कॉलेज कला की डिग्री के मान्यता प्राप्त दो-वर्षीय सहयोगी प्रदान करते हैं, हालांकि छह अब चार साल की डिग्री प्रदान करते हैं। )
  • But the whole point of being an associate producer is that you're involved in the process afterwards. ( लेकिन एक सहयोगी निर्माता होने के पूरे बिंदु यह है कि आप बाद की प्रक्रिया में शामिल हैं। )
  • Since the decision was made, all former associate female members have made the transition to full membership. ( चूंकि निर्णय किया गया था, सभी पूर्व सहयोगी महिला सदस्यों ने पूर्ण सदस्यता के लिए संक्रमण किया है। )

More Sentence

  • The traditional pattern for a transfer student is to complete an associate 's degree then matriculate to the four-year institution.
  • This is to inform you of my decision to retire from my position as an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.
  • The literature suggests that full-time community college students require approximately 3 years to complete an associate 's degree.
  • In the present study, the common associate appeared as the final word in the list.
  • The associate 's term of membership always expires with the term of the full member, so please remember to coordinate your renewals accordingly.
  • So, on Sunday, the governing committee dissolved the associate status level.
  • Get an associate 's degree and then move on to finish your bachelor's at a state school or private university.
  • The Reserve has been in the traditional associate unit business since 1968, where reservists fly and maintain aircraft owned by the active duty.
  • Losing its two-year students would have been a major blow for the college; 25 percent of its associate 's degree students are enrolled in a.d. programs.
  • I'd like to associate myself with what Peadar said
  • The associate director does not think users will have any problems with the software, with the exception that some messages will be mistakenly labelled as spam.
  • She turned the phrase over in her mind, trying to associate this broken city with the word ‘home’.
  • After six years, she finally earns an associate 's degree.
  • The associate membership status has opened the door to a new and untapped market.
  • It has also brought in other international business names such as Gillette and Samsung as associate sponsors.
  • No one likes to disagree with a family member, a close friend, or a business associate .
  • we associate illness with ageing
  • This type of articulation agreement is considered stronger because it includes the many community college students who transfer before earning the associate 's degree.
  • associate member
  • Yes, I started as an associate editor.
  • For example, if a student is majoring in engineering or nursing, it's quicker to skip the associate 's degree and concentrate on work toward the bachelor's degree.
  • First, the highest degree earned was categorized as 0 for no degree, 1 for a certificate, and 2 for an associate 's degree.
  • We know you are a member of the Resistance, or at least an associate of the organization.