aspiration - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of aspiration in Hindi
- आकांक्षा
- महत्वाकांक्षा
- तमन्ना
- लालसा
- उच्चाकांक्षा
- स्पृहा
aspiration Definition
- a hope or ambition of achieving something. ( कुछ हासिल करने की आशा या महत्वाकांक्षा। )
- the action or process of drawing breath. ( साँस खींचने की क्रिया या प्रक्रिया। )
- the action of pronouncing a sound with an exhalation of breath. ( सांस छोड़ने पर ध्वनि के उच्चारण की क्रिया। )
aspiration Example
- These days, marriage for life is a pleasant thought, a worthwhile aspiration and a goal to aim for, but that's all. ( इन दिनों, जीवन के लिए शादी एक सुखद विचार है, एक सार्थक आकांक्षा और लक्ष्य के लिए एक लक्ष्य है, लेकिन यह सब है। )
- To executives, modeling a company's performance on its best-in-class competitor is an ambitious but attainable aspiration . ( अधिकारियों के लिए, अपने सर्वश्रेष्ठ-इन-क्लास प्रतियोगी पर एक कंपनी के प्रदर्शन को मॉडलिंग करना एक महत्वाकांक्षी लेकिन प्राप्य आकांक्षा है। )
- Samples of stomach fluids obtained by aspiration on three consecutive early mornings should be sent for microscopic examination. ( पेट के तरल पदार्थ के नमूने जो लगातार तीन सुबह की आकांक्षा द्वारा प्राप्त किए गए हैं, उन्हें सूक्ष्म परीक्षा के लिए भेजा जाना चाहिए। )
- There's no real concrete aspiration or goal as of yet. ( अभी तक कोई वास्तविक ठोस आकांक्षा या लक्ष्य नहीं है। )
- But creating that kind of architecture is only possible for a client who really understands the aspiration . ( लेकिन उस तरह की वास्तुकला का निर्माण केवल एक ग्राहक के लिए संभव है जो वास्तव में आकांक्षा को समझता है। )
- By then he had also begun his campaign to place the CIG on a firmer legal footing, an aspiration fulfilled early in his successor's term. ( तब तक उन्होंने CIG को एक मजबूत कानूनी मुकाम पर पहुंचाने के लिए अपना अभियान शुरू कर दिया था, उनके उत्तराधिकारी के कार्यकाल में एक आकांक्षा जल्दी पूरी हुई। )
More Sentence
- The entire history of artillery is marked by the aspiration of designers and developers to create ever more powerful systems.
- If such a commitment is a valuable aspiration and one that our political community wants to facilitate, then we need to examine and remove impediments to such relationships.
- In his view, avoiding ‘social dissension’ is more than a policy desideratum or a prudent aspiration .
- Ultrasonography or aspiration must be used to establish a definitive diagnosis.
- This has been an aspiration of our people since our independence.
- ‘The continental day is my aspiration ,’ he said.
- These factors lead to either inhalation or aspiration of pathogens into the respiratory tract.
- Being good at hand-to-hand combat was never an aspiration of his.
- Fine needle aspiration guided by ultrasound was inadequate for diagnosis so a stereotactic core biopsy was performed.
- Such an aspiration required effort, discipline and intelligence.
- the yawning gulf between aspiration and reality
- It had never declared an aspiration to become anything it was not.
- One-to-one marketing is a great aspiration .
- She goes on to note that both English and Chinese make use of aspiration in their consonantal systems.
- Therefore, attaining a higher education in colleges and universities has always been the main goal and aspiration of rural students.
- Most companies see ‘zero defects’ as little more than a lofty aspiration .
- In Act I, the characters are given a goal or aspiration , and in Act II, the confrontation section, obstacles are created.
- If voicing is delayed, the voiceless region at the beginning of the vowel is known as aspiration .
- Is it then, a goal, an aspiration , an objective?
- A 20-or 30-mL syringe should be used to provide optimal suction for aspiration .
- bathing solutions were changed by careful aspiration
- If the will to live exists, it may be deeply affected by core life issues, specifically questions of aspiration , goals, purposes and personal meaning.
- there is no aspiration if the syllable begins with s
- In the seventeenth century property ownership was the hallmark of the English aristocracy and the aspiration of the middling classes.