shadow - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of shadow in Hindi
- छाया
- परछाई
- साया
- प्रतिच्छाया
- प्रतिबिंब
- प्रतिफल
- तुच्छ पदार्थ
- आभास
- एकांतता
- अविभाज्य साथी
- छाया करना
- अंधकार करना
- ढांकना
- छिपाना
- आच्छादित करना
- ग्रहण लगना
- के पिछे लगा रहना
- प्रतिछाया
shadow Definition
- a dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface.
- used in reference to proximity, ominous oppressiveness, or sadness and gloom.
- an inseparable attendant or companion.
- short for eyeshadow.
- envelop in shadow; cast a shadow over.
- follow and observe (someone) closely and secretly.
shadow Example
- he lived in the shadow of his father ( वह अपने पिता की छाया में रहता था )
- only one shadow lay over Sally's life ( सैली के जीवन पर केवल एक ही छाया पड़ी है )
- the north side of the cathedral was deep in shadow ( गिरजाघर के उत्तर की ओर छाया में गहरा था )
- her faithful shadow, a Yorkshire terrier called Heathcliffe ( उसकी वफादार छाया, यॉर्कशायर टेरियर जिसे हीथक्लिफ कहा जाता है )
More Sentence
- this fine-looking, commanding man had become a shadow of his former self
- I don't want a shadow hanging over him.
- Half the street was in shadow, the other half brightly lit by the sun.
- There was no shadow or footprints even though I seemed to be standing on grass.
- He was too angry to see where he went as he crossed through the shadow realm.
- the shadow of war fell across Europe
- no matter where Johnson went, his shadow stayed with him
- a freedom that was more shadow than substance
- she knew without a shadow of a doubt that he was lying
- a shadow crossed Maria's face