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horticulture - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of horticulture in Hindi

  • बागवानी
  • औद्यानिकी


  • बाग़बानी
  • उद्याकरण
  • उद्यान-विद्या

horticulture Definition


  • the art or practice of garden cultivation and management.

horticulture Example

  • Bob enrolled in a class that teaches horticulture so that he can cultivate his garden. ( बॉब ने एक ऐसी कक्षा में दाखिला लिया जो बागवानी सिखाती है ताकि वह अपने बगीचे में खेती कर सके। )
  • This "Xi'an International Horticulture Best Wishes Commemorative Silver Bar (50g)" is manufactured under the authorization of the Organizing Committee of Xi'an International Horticultural Exposition. ( यह "शीआन इंटरनेशनल हॉर्टिकल्चर बेस्ट विशेज स्मारक सिल्वर बार (50 ग्राम)" शीआन अंतर्राष्ट्रीय बागवानी प्रदर्शनी की आयोजन समिति के प्राधिकरण के तहत निर्मित है। )
  • The study has stayed in the taxonomy and horticulture research since long times ago, but the ornamental crabapple resources lacks systematic collection and investigation. ( अध्ययन लंबे समय से वर्गीकरण और बागवानी अनुसंधान में रहा है, लेकिन सजावटी क्रैबपल संसाधनों में व्यवस्थित संग्रह और जांच की कमी है। )
  • Panxi restaurant has a strong horticulture characteristic of the south gardens. ( पांक्सी रेस्तरां में दक्षिण उद्यानों की एक मजबूत बागवानी विशेषता है। ) 

More Sentence

  • Efficient horticulture in the area is possible only under glass and with considerable inputs of energy.
  • World Horticulture Exposition garden: hosted the International Horticultural Exposition in 2006.
  • He studied horticulture and landscaping in junior college.
  • It is forbidden to occupy basic farmland to develop horticulture or dig ponds to breed fish.
  • He graduated in 1951 with a bachelor's degree in horticulture and a minor in agronomy.
  • He thought he might like landscaping and enrolled in a two-year program at a nearby college in horticulture.
  • Horticulture is an art that requires getting your hands dirty, although being able to create a great garden is very rewarding.  
  • The horticulturalist has to meet the increasing wages, the rising costs of raw materials and all the other costs which go into agricultural produce.
  • We are experiencing a drought which will have a lasting effect on the horticulture industry.