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expectantly - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of expectantly in Hindi

  • उम्मीद से
  • आशा करते हुए
  • प्रत्याशा से

expectantly Definition


  • with an excited feeling that something is about to happen, especially something good.

expectantly Example

  • she waited expectantly for his answer ( वह उनके जवाब का बेसब्री से इंतजार कर रही थी )
  • When he continued to watch her expectantly, she turned to Carmen. ( जब वह उसे उम्मीद से देखता रहा, तो उसने कारमेन की ओर रुख किया। )
  • Molly looked on expectantly while I remained silent. ( जब मैं चुप रही तो मौली ने उम्मीद से देखा। )
  • Stunned, Kiera tried to figure out what to say as they both looked expectantly at her. ( स्तब्ध, कियारा ने यह पता लगाने की कोशिश की कि क्या कहना है क्योंकि वे दोनों उसकी ओर उम्मीद से देख रहे थे। )
  • Damian waited expectantly, but Dusty shook his head. ( डेमियन ने उम्मीद से इंतजार किया, लेकिन डस्टी ने सिर हिलाया। )

More Sentence

  • Meanwhile, the burly sergeant looks up from his desk expectantly.
  • In Miami, thousands of Cuban exiles continue to wait expectantly.
  • Those assembled watched expectantly for a signal but none was seen.
  • We looked at the translator expectantly, but she shook her head.
  • A doe walked up to a standing car, peering in expectantly.
  • Branstad said, dropping his microphone and looking up expectantly.
  • A fleet of stretch limos with darkened windows purr expectantly.
  • We wait expectantly for the coming of the Christ child.
  • Meares fouled off a fastball straight back, the infielders lurching expectantly.
  • It's difficult to see expectantly in a sentence .
  • He watched her expectantly so she dove in.
  • They all glanced up expectantly as the doctor strode toward them and quietly gave them the bad news.
  • Her eyes were smiling expectantly, her downy lip rose and remained lifted in childlike happiness.
  • She gazed at him expectantly.
  • He nodded, eyeing her expectantly.
  • He looked at me expectantly.
  • I looked at him expectantly.
  • He looked at them expectantly.
  • We all look at her expectantly.
  • She looked at him expectantly.
  • She watched him expectantly.
  • he looked expectantly at his friend