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desperation - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of desperation in Hindi

  • निराशा
  • मायूसी
  •  निरासा
  •  साहसिकता

desperation Definition


  • a state of despair, typically one which results in rash or extreme behavior.

desperation Example

  • she wrote to him in desperation ( उसने हताशा में उसे लिखा )
  • Jade shook his head, feeling as if madness born of desperation were creeping into his mind with the pain. ( जेड ने अपना सिर हिलाया, ऐसा महसूस कर रहा था कि जैसे हताशा से पैदा हुआ पागलपन उसके दिमाग में दर्द के साथ रेंग रहा हो। )
  • His people's hope had turned to desperation in the hands of the Yirkin when every sun-cycle passed and there was no nishani . ( उसके लोगों की आशा यर्किन के हाथों में निराशा में बदल गई थी जब हर सूर्य-चक्र बीत गया और कोई निशानी नहीं थी। )
  • Juliet’s desperation to be with Romeo inspired her to make the terrible decision to fake her death. ( जूलियट की रोमियो के साथ रहने की बेताबी ने उसे उसकी मौत को नकली बनाने का भयानक निर्णय लेने के लिए प्रेरित किया। )

More Sentence

  • The starving family’s desperation for food forced them to steal bread from the market.  
  • These days Lilco is living a corporate life of quiet desperation.
  • He had a tremendous sense of aloneness and desperation and frustration,
  • In desperation the entertainment industry might even turn to ordinary citizens.
  • And they were further hurt by the desperation the Rangers showed.
  • They see the affected woman going to her doctor in desperation.
  • The Giants, though, are almost unique in their desperation.
  • The honor student’s desperation for perfect grades made her do anything to get As, including cheating on her exams.  
  • In an act of desperation to save her friend, Mariah jumped off the bridge and into the dark river below.  
  • She began pounding on his ribs in desperation.
  • I try with a second hand, worn out desperation.
  • Trickling desperation began eroding her resolve.
  • Jean was torn between curiosity and desperation.
  • And she couldn’t even blame it on desperation.
  • He was looking at me with searching desperation.
  • Gamblers are filled with desperation to win money and will often bet their savings on games.  
  • He held up the vault again, and desperation crossed her features.
  • "I have to have the vault," she said, embarrassed by the desperation in her voice.
  • The mother will defend her young with the utmost desperation against any assailant, and ha s p been known to sacrifice her own life rather than desert them.