decimal point - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of decimal point in Hindi
decimal point Definition
- a dot placed after the figure representing units in a decimal fraction.
decimal point Example
- They were also more accurate as the movement of the decimal point to the right of a number permitted a high degree of finessing. ( वे अधिक सटीक भी थे क्योंकि किसी संख्या के दाईं ओर दशमलव बिंदु की गति में उच्च स्तर की चालाकी की अनुमति थी। )
- The coefficients on all of the volume variables remained the same to the second decimal point. ( सभी आयतन चरों के गुणांक दूसरे दशमलव बिंदु तक समान रहे। )
- The term ' 'floating' ' may seem misleading since the position of the implied decimal point is at a fixed position, and the term ' 'fixed point representation' ' seems more appropriate. ( शब्द 'फ्लोटिंग' भ्रामक लग सकता है क्योंकि निहित दशमलव बिंदु की स्थिति एक निश्चित स्थिति पर है, और 'निश्चित बिंदु प्रतिनिधित्व' शब्द अधिक उपयुक्त लगता है। )
- A floating literal must contain digits both before and after the decimal point; this ensures that a decimal point cannot be mistaken for another use of the dot character. ( एक अस्थायी शाब्दिक में दशमलव बिंदु से पहले और बाद में दोनों अंक होने चाहिए; यह सुनिश्चित करता है कि दशमलव बिंदु को डॉट कैरेक्टर के दूसरे उपयोग के लिए गलत नहीं किया जा सकता है। )
More Sentence
- These examples show that Napier was in possession of all the conventions and attributes that enable the decimal point to complete so symmetrically our system of notation, viz.
- He got the inflation rate for the end of the year right to the last decimal point.
- Will he think again, at least to the extent of moving the decimal point one place to the right?
- He found himself rather disturbed by these figures, with that infernal decimal point which occurred in all the documents dealing with this matter.
- The first twofigures after the decimal point indicate tenths and hundredthsrespectively.
- You would have to have a decimal point of a man to do it.
- In the present system we have two figures to the right of the decimal point and also this curious fraction, the ½ stuck on the end.
- On the other hand, if one were working it out in cubic metres, one would measure in centimetres and move the decimal point.
- The association asks us to recognise that its calculations are only approximate, and not accurate to the last decimal point.
- Unfortunately, the decimal point is in the right place.