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clumsiness - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of clumsiness in Hindi


clumsiness Definition


  • the quality of being awkward or careless in one's movements.

clumsiness Example

  • Their clumsiness may also extend to their social skills. ( उनकी भद्दापन उनके सामाजिक कौशल को भी बढ़ा सकता है। )
  • Sedation is a common effect, and clumsiness, lightheadedness, and slurred speech are other possible side effects of benzodiazepines. ( बेहोशी एक सामान्य प्रभाव है, और अनाड़ीपन, आलस्य, और तिरछा भाषण बेंज़ोडायजेपाइन के अन्य संभावित दुष्प्रभाव हैं। )
  • This condition is followed by a feeling of clumsiness. ( इस स्थिति का अनाड़ीपन महसूस होता है। )
  • The common effects of valium are well known, with sleepiness and clumsiness being the most commonly recognized. ( वैलीम के सामान्य प्रभावों को अच्छी तरह से जाना जाता है, तंद्रा और अनाड़ीपन को सबसे अधिक मान्यता प्राप्त है। )
  • Her breathing was labored, her rise from the fall characterized by clumsiness borne of fatigue. ( उसकी सांसें उखड़ी हुई थीं, उसके गिरने की वजह से थकान का अनुभव हुआ। )
  • The faience is thick and clumsy, having soft, brittle and very light pale. ( मुलायम मोटी और भद्दी होती है, जिसमें नरम, भंगुर और बहुत हल्का पीलापन होता है। )

More Sentence

  • Pullers appear to renounce pulling, refusers take to jumping and clumsy horses become nearly as handy as a trick horse in a circus.
  • The club has now disappeared, and the gates brought back to India by Lord Ellenborough are recognized to be a clumsy forgery.
  • The fur, apart from a clumsy appearance, is so brittle, however, as to be of scarcely any service whatever.
  • His mannerisms indicate nervousness, hesitancy, clumsiness, and insecurity.
  • Tyler also helps Skelton overcome his clumsiness, nervousness and naivety.
  • Sorry for the clumsiness, but I am not a lawyer.
  • But because of his naivety and clumsiness he is soon released.
  • His clumsiness results in Cleveland's house catching on fire.
  • The golf fiasco hinted at Payne's early clumsiness and naivete.
  • The mayor's clumsiness does not come entirely as a surprise.
  • It's difficult to see clumsiness in a sentence .
  • The absence of good bark, dugout timber, and chisels of stone deprived the whole Mississippi valley of creditable water-craft, and reduced the natives to the clumsy trough for a dugout and miserable bull-boat, made by stretching dressed buffalo hide over a crate.
  • The language and dialogue of Melite are on the whole simple and natural, and though the construction is not very artful (the fifth act being, as is not unusual in Corneille, superfluous and clumsy), it is still passable.
  • The clumsiness of the relation renders it practically useless, and the two separate relations in terms of a single parameter 0 suffice for the deduction of most of the properties of the curve.
  • the telltale clumsiness of the amateur