
blistering - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of blistering in Hindi

  • ब्लिस्टरिंग
  • छाला पड़ना
  • फफोला पड़ना

blistering Definition

  • (of heat) intense. ( (गर्मी का) तीव्र। )

blistering Example

  • The heat of the moment at the stadium matched the blistering heat of the day. ( स्टेडियम में पल की गर्मी दिन की धमाकेदार गर्मी से मेल खाती थी। )
  • A barrister launched a blistering attack on an anti-social behaviour order imposed by magistrates on Thursday. ( एक बैरिस्टर ने गुरुवार को मजिस्ट्रेटों द्वारा लगाए गए एक असामाजिक व्यवहार आदेश पर एक तीखा हमला किया। )
  • The 200 gr. load is blistering fast but the light bullet keeps recoil down. ( 200 जीआर। भार तेजी से फूट रहा है लेकिन हल्की गोली नीचे गिरती रहती है। )
  • After 25 minutes or so of fairly blistering invective, she gives up. ( 25 मिनट या काफी निस्तेज निश्चेतक के बाद, वह हार मान लेती है। )
  • The court's judgment contained a blistering criticism of the criminal justice system. ( अदालत के फैसले में आपराधिक न्याय प्रणाली की तीखी आलोचना थी। )
  • Mourners stood in the blistering heat, under tents and trees and cramped under the home. ( शोकग्रस्त लोग तपिश और पेड़ों के नीचे तपती गर्मी में खड़े हो गए और घर के नीचे गिर गए। )
  • You can retrieve email, news, weather reports, sports scores, and flight updates - even as you check the blistering pace of your morning run. ( आप ईमेल, समाचार, मौसम की रिपोर्ट, खेल के स्कोर और उड़ान अपडेट प्राप्त कर सकते हैं - यहां तक कि जैसे ही आप अपने सुबह के दौड़ने की फुर्ती को देखते हैं। )
  • During the expedition they will pass through nine of the continent's 13 countries, carrying their own food, water and shelter in often blistering heat. ( अभियान के दौरान वे महाद्वीप के 13 देशों में से नौ से गुजरेंगे, अपने स्वयं के भोजन, पानी और आश्रय लेकर अक्सर प्रचंड गर्मी में। )

More Sentence

  • The story is the same for the young and the elderly who wait and wait and wait in the humid blistering heat of southeastern Louisiana.
  • The final began with blistering pace as the home side were hit with fast break after fast break.
  • The blistering pace of the Kiwi winger had the crowd gasping and everyone was surprised when he was hauled down within sight of the line.
  • Lastly, I am a bit of control freak with a blistering pace when it comes to work.
  • A high-ranking government official launched a blistering attack on the media and the way in which the media is covering the war.
  • As angry workers rejected the restructuring plan and proposals for widespread job losses there was blistering criticism of key decisions taken by senior management in recent years.
  • One of the foremost experts on popular culture launched into a blistering attack on modern broadcasting standards when he appeared at the Literature Festival at the weekend.
  • We spend the afternoon wandering around the area in the blistering heat, popping into the various cafes to drink the best coffee in the world.
  • A follow-up inspection of the council last year, which followed blistering criticism two years ago, identified the housing service as failing.
  • The Olympic medallist powered to victory after setting a blistering pace.
  • Looking into that sea of khaki gave me chills even in that blistering heat.
  • The blistering heat and intense flash made Joel look away for a second.
  • The flying front man was transformed into an unstoppable cyclone, ripping Birmingham to shreds with his blistering pace and bagging four goals in one game.
  • The wing used his blistering pace to skin at least four defenders in a 70-yard sprint to the line.
  • The wife of the elusive businessman has launched a blistering attack on the media over its reporting of her husband's business affairs.
  • Setting a blistering pace on the run up Honey Rose scorched around the opening turns to set herself up nicely for victory.
  • And today one local firm of merchants launched a blistering attack on the decision, branding it ‘nonsensical’.
  • Speediest on-baller you could ever find, he can run out the entire game at a blistering pace - opposition taggers don't stand a chance.
  • The aroma of burning wood suddenly hit his nose as blistering heat blustered over him.
  • It's been odd and funny and great; blizzards and blistering heat and all kinds of stuff.
  • The afternoon show is the worst hit as only a few are willing to endure the blistering heat and mosquito menace for a few hours of entertainment.
  • More than 150 people attended the event, played in blistering heat which required frequent breaks for refreshments though not all of them of the non-alcoholic variety.