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aisle - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of aisle in Hindi

  • गलियारा
  • पथ
  • रास्ता
  • गिरजे का बगली रास्ता
  • इमारत का बाज़ू
  • पार्श्ववीथी

aisle Definition

  • a passage between rows of seats in a building such as a church or theater, an airplane, or a train. ( एक इमारत में सीटों की पंक्तियों के बीच एक मार्ग जैसे कि एक चर्च या थिएटर, एक हवाई जहाज, या एक ट्रेन। )

aisle Example

  • The service over, he strides down the pew aisle , wiping fingers across his brow. ( सेवा समाप्त होने पर, वह अपने माथे पर उँगलियों को पोंछते हुए, प्याज़ के गलियारे की ओर बढ़ता है। )
  • She walked out into the main room and down the narrow aisle between the pews. ( वह बाहर मुख्य कमरे में चली गई और पिस के बीच की संकीर्ण गलियारे से नीचे चली गई। )
  • I've seen with my own eyes people take up four seats, the entire aisle and the toilet cubile by strategic placement of a few cases. ( मैंने अपनी आंखों से देखा है कि लोग कुछ मामलों के रणनीतिक स्थान द्वारा चार सीटें, पूरे गलियारे और शौचालय क्यूबाइल लेते हैं। )
  • Rather than have them walk down the aisle of a moving train, why not try getting up and offering your seat? ( बजाय इसके कि वे एक चलती ट्रेन के रास्ते से नीचे चलें, क्यों न आप उठकर अपनी सीट की पेशकश करें? )

More Sentence

  • The new grant will be used for repairs to the south nave aisle roof, north nave masonry and leaded light windows.
  • Once she got there, she paced the aisle , scanning the shelves for a home pregnancy test.
  • I chose a seat on the aisle near the back and settled in to enjoy the program of traditional Christmas music.
  • A narrow chancel originally lay east of the nave and parts of its north wall can still be seen, pierced by the arcade between the nave and the north aisle .
  • Go to the bread aisle in your supermarket, and count just how many different products we have.
  • I can only fly five hours maximum in aircraft with a decent seat pitch and only in an aisle seat, so I can move about.
  • As he walked off-stage, he cast a glance of recognition towards those seated in the second aisle .
  • The route leads towards the double doors that lead to stairs which go up to the south aisle of the church.
  • White pillars towered above him, and marble guards lined the aisle , stone spears held at the ready.
  • Then my eyes fell on those three women, sitting on alternate seats across the aisle from each other.
  • Seated across the aisle from him were three girls Yutaka recognized from school.
  • the tiled roof over the south aisle
  • There's always that moment when, because there are four of us, three are allotted a row of seats and one has the seat across the aisle .
  • The nearest people were five or six rows in front of me, and the pews across the aisle were empty for almost a dozen rows.
  • Soy burgers can be found in the frozen-foods aisle of any supermarket.
  • Turtle chose his seat on the train across the aisle from Tim in the row behind Megan and Jeff.
  • At which point, I wondered, would it be ok to get up and move to the empty, inviting seats across the aisle ?
  • He wandered down the long aisle between the shelves that towered far too high to reach, stuffed with books.
  • Both share the wooden oriel projecting onto the choir, with a private entrance to the rear and a small door leading into the choir aisle .
  • He has seen film of a man walking down a supermarket aisle , and all the tins flying off the shelves as they pass.
  • You wander through the aisles of any supermarket and everything is the same.
  • Internally, the building is divided into a nave, transepts and side aisles composed of ornamental cast-iron columns and girders and a gallery 12 feet wide runs all round the Hall.
  • Supermarkets will color code aisles according to genetic type so that DNA-savvy consumers can easily identify the right foods and supplements for themselves.
  • At a humanist ceremony at York Crematorium, conducted by Maggie Blunt, mourners sat and kneeled in the aisles because every seat was taken.
  • But I can still remember back to when I could dangle my legs out of the shopping cart seat and watch the aisles go by.
  • Our church family enjoys having our choir standing in the aisles , blending in with the total congregation during congregational singing.